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现在,很少有人再怀疑,整个世界经济已濒临1930年以来最危险的状态。FEW now doubt that the world economy is in its most parlous state since the 1930s.

危险的中国医疗体系也加速宗教力量的发展。The parlous state of China's health-care system has also given a powerful boost to religion.

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中国虽然已经远离这种危险事态,但是它还是偶尔露狰狞。Although China is far removed from such a parlous state of affairs, it occasionally displays the same tendencies.

1990年,经济观察家定期指出中国银行和国有企业的危险。In the 1990s, economy watchers regularly pointed to the parlous state of Chinese banks and state-owned enterprises.

就连自由民主党都已经推迟了当初力挺的取消学费的计划,理由是财政赤字严重。Even the Lib Dems have postponed their once- totemic plans to scrap fees altogether, citing the parlous state of public finances.

比萨默尔先生的工作更可见的是盖特纳先生的工作,由于与国会不稳定的关系导致他陷入一个危险的境地。Mr Geithner, whose job is far more visible than Mr Summers, is in the more parlous position because of his rocky relationship with Congress.

可供选择的余地也许把权利让与第二大股东——汽车联合工会,它对通用汽车目前所陷入的窘境负有不可推卸的责任。The alternative might be to cede control to the UAW, the second-biggest shareholder, which is hardly blameless for GM's current parlous state.

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支持和反对两个阵营一致认为扭转形势的关键因素是岌岌可危的经济。Both the yes and the no camps agreed that the key factor in turning the Irish electorate around this time was the parlous state of the economy.

小小的一个文字变动却引起如此大的动乱,这一事件凸现中国现在不安的教育体制,也凸现出教育制度改革的困难性。The fact that this apparently trivial change provoked a riot illustrates the parlous state of China's education system and the difficulties of reforming it.

而希腊,因为其尤其危险的经济状况,则早已见识过最为澎湃的民愤,与它曾经经历过的那些示威相比,上周六雅典街头出现的那几百号温和的群众根本算不了什么。Given its particularly parlous economic situation, Greece has seen the most focused public anger so far, in protests that dwarf the modest several hundred who turned out in Athens on Saturday.