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我们是共青团员。We are League mem'bers.

这是个后卫的联盟。This is a guard's league.

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团组织是什么时候创建的?。When was the League founded?

他是在2003年入团的。He joined the League in 2003.

约翰配不上玛丽。Mary is out of John's league.

我参加了垒球联赛。I play in the city softball league.

如果你喜欢壁球,参加一个联盟。If you enjoy squash, join a league.

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他们是通同一气的。They are in league with each other.

阿森纳本应是排在榜首的。Arsenal should be top of the league.

他是团支部书记。He's secretary of the League branch.

我很想加入共青团。I am eager to join the Youth League.

我们中三分之二的人是团员。Two thirds of us are league members.

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三年前入团,joined为短暂行为。He joined the League three years ago.

伊拉克是阿拉伯联盟的创始国。Iraq is a founder of the Arab League.

乔托瑞用于播放的联赛。Joe Torre used to play in the league.

联盟想要他们坐好别动。The league wants them to stay seated.

但在那个联队里,我打得相当好。but in that league I was pretty good.

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阿么说,我们去南宫吧!Arab League said that we go to Nagong!

我们队有机会参加职业联赛了。We got to the play in the major league.

欧洲冠军联赛小组赛,充分借鉴。Champions League group-stage, full draw.