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我是个双性恋。I am bisexual.

你是双性恋吗?Are you bisexual?

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然而,金星人是雌雄同体的。But Venusians are bisexual.

弗洛伊德的想法是,每个人都是双性恋。Freud's idea was that everybody is bisexual.

草莓为聚伞花序,两性花。The strawberry flower, as a cyme, is bisexual.

以上就是全部,严肃的说。你是双性恋吗?That's all it takes, seriously. Are you bisexual?

这似乎不可能,但阿托姆是一个两性神。This may seem impossible but Atum was a bisexual god.

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本周的一大性新闻就是,这个世界上存在男双性恋者。The big sex news of the week was that bisexual men exist.

中国中医学上就有阴阳人这种说法。There are bisexual persons in traditional Chinese medicine.

我发现我17岁大的女儿可能是双性恋或同性恋。I found out my 17-year-old daughter might be bisexual or gay.

一些双性恋者,甚至是一些双性恋运动者也犯了这个错。Some bisexuals, even some bisexual activists make this mistake.

所有的参与者都声称是异性恋或者双性恋。All of the participants self-identified as heterosexual or bisexual.

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男同性恋者和双性恋的男人比异性恋的男人更有可能吸烟。Gay and bisexual men are more likely to smoke than are heterosexual men.

就是男女同性恋、双性恋、变性恋人群的简称。It is the abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-sexual people.

但是如果你是同性恋男女或变性人中的一份子,情况又会是怎么样呢?But what if you're part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender community?

想男女通吃没什么了不起,人类的朋友——动物也有双性恋的记录。There is documented evidence bisexual behavior in many, many of our animal friends.

告诉你当权者不会帮助同性恋者、双性恋者或变性人Tells you that authorities won't help a homosexual, bisexual or transgendered person

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两性潜能完全丧失的年龄,因畜种而异。The age at which this bisexual potential is completely lost varies with the species.

想知道密歇根州30岁的双性恋拉丁妇女在看什么书?Want to know what books 30-year-old bisexual Latina women from Michigan are reading?

但是很少看见有双性的男性与另一个男性或女性同时亲吻和发生性关系。However it is rare to see a bisexual man having sex and kissing another man and woman.