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而在火星上,这个8字曲线会更像一滴泪珠。On Mars, meanwhile, the analemma would look more like a teardrop.

关于投影几何,他带来的有椭圆投影、球极投影、平行正投影和透视法等。What he introduced included oval projection, stereographic projection, analemma and scenography etc.

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答案是不会,太阳一年中运行的轨迹叫做太阳的八字曲线。The answer is no, and the shape traced out by the Sun over the course of a year is called an analemma.

太阳在夏天会出现在八字曲线的最高点,在冬天则出现在最低点。The Sun will appear at its highest point of the analemma during summer and at its lowest during winter.

这张8字曲线合成照片显示了2003年3月至2004年3月,太阳出现在西班牙赫罗纳上空时的路径。This analemma photo-composite shows the sun's path as it appeared over Girona, Spain, from March 2003 to March 2004.

图中的照片是从1998年8月到1999年8月在乌克兰拍到的太阳照片合成的。The analemma pictured to the left was built up by Sun photographs taken from 1998 August through 1999 August from Ukraine.

以上的多次曝光照片就显示了8字形的太阳全年路径,被称为8字曲线。The above multiple-exposure photo shows the figure-eight path of the sun over the course of the entire year, known as an analemma.

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在突出了日全食特点已知最早的8字曲线照片中,有一个太阳圆盘像天体项链上的垂饰似的闪耀光芒。One disk of the sun shines like a pendant on a celestial necklace in the first known analemma photo to feature a total solar eclipse.

地球自转轴的倾斜和它绕轨道运行速度的变化共同形成了这一道优美的日形迹曲线。The tilt of planet Earth's axis and the variation in speed as it moves around its orbit combine to produce the graceful analemma curve.

例如,在水星上,轴向倾斜和轨道路径会形成从东到西近乎直线的8字曲线。On Mercury, for example, the interplay between axial tilt and orbital path would make an analemma that's a nearly straight line from east to west.

每天在同一时间、同一地点拍一幅太阳照片,每周一至两次,产生30至50帧画面,制作而成8字曲线照片。Analemma photographs are made by taking a picture of the sun from the same place at the same time of day once or twice a week, generating 30 to 50 frames.

据塔弗莱希说,在同一卷胶卷上拍摄包括所有太阳图片的经典8字曲线照片也有可能,但是那是个风险极大的事情。It's possible to make a classic analemma that includes the pictures of the sun and the foreground on the same piece of film—but that's risky business, according to Tafreshi.

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从2001年希腊制作的8字曲线合成照片中,你可以看到太阳好似从Tholos——古特尔斐的雅典娜圣域一幢圆形建筑——附近的山后升起来。The sun seems to rise from behind the hills near the Tholos, a circular building in the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia in ancient Delphi, in an analemma photo composite made in Greece in 2001.