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把拖船拖缆降低。Lower towing line to tug.

然后他们进行了一场拔河比赛。Then they had a tug of war.

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活动扳手、牵引钩、其他手工具。Hook up towing lines to tug boat.

船朝着那条拖船横向驶去。The ship steamed athwart the tug.

请挂上一面“我需要一艘拖轮”的信号旗。Please hoist up a flag "I require a tug".

学生们正在进行拔河比赛。The students are engaged in a tug of war.

许多女人渴望精忠报国。Many women felt the keen tug of patriotism.

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这使得韩再一次感觉到他的良心过意不去。But again he felt the tug of his conscience.

与助听器,你可以在刚刚舨联系。With corsets , you can just tug on the ties.

把停靠左舷的前拖船绑牢。Make fast forward tug alongside on starboard.

你必须要把拖缆牢固地挽在缆桩上。You must make the tug line fast on the bitts.

你必须要把拖缆牢固地挽在缆桩上。You must make the tug line fast on the bitts.

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这其中就包括高尔夫球和拔河比赛。These include the sports of golf and tug of war.

船只入港可获得拖轮和汽艇。Tug boats and launches into the territory available.

不,你船可不用拖船的拖缆。No, you are not manadatory to take towing lines of tug.

我们拽着他们的手,请求他们同这些小事儿坐在一起。We tug their hand, ask them to sit with the small things.

它的涟漪深深波及心弦It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug

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这种两面周旋的态度在整个寄居海外运动中极为明显。This tug is apparent in the whole movement of expatriation.

飞行员驾机滑向拖轮,随后投了鱼雷。As it taxied towards the tug the pilot released his torpedo.

飞行员驾机滑向拖轮,随后投了鱼雷。As it taxied towards the tug the pilot released his torpedo.