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把切碎的巧克力放在耐高温的碗中。Place the chopped chocolate into a heatproof bowl.

耐热硅橡胶密封圈,不易老化。Heatproof silastic sealed ring, non-aging and good sealing property.

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将茶、柠檬和姜沫放到保温容器里,并加开水。Place tea, lemon and ginger in a heatproof container and add boiling water.

用耐热的橡胶小铲翻动大煎饼四周并倒入盘中。Run heatproof rubber spatula around frittata to loosen and slide out onto plate.

独立气泡结构,断热防烟性佳,以最小的体积达到最佳的缓冲效果。Good effect of heatproof and smokeproof. Reach the best buffing effect with the smallest volume.

然后均匀地倒入四个抗热奶酪蛋糕中,上面盖上保鲜膜放入蒸锅。Pour mixture evenly into four heatproof ramekins. Cover with plastic wrap and place in a steamer.

金属夹钳约有15英寸长,附有耐热手柄。Sturdy metal tongs measuring about 15 inches long are like having an extra set of heatproof hands.

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产品具有较高的耐热性和耐寒性,其工作温度范围为-60~180℃。Good performance in heatproof and cold resistant abilities with working temperature between -60 and 180℃.

你可以将一个防热的碗放在慢煮着氺的锅上即兴创作出一个简易的双层汽锅。You can improvise a simple double-boiler by setting a heatproof bowl over a pan of gently simmering water.

取一个耐热的容器放入巧克力和砂糖,座热水拌化且匀滑为止。Stir chopped chocolate and sugar in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water until melted and smooth.

灯罩采用高强度、耐高温的玻璃透镜,聚光效果佳,辐射距离远。Its lampshade adopts high-Intensity, heatproof glass lens which has good spotlight and long distance of radiation.

将花肉片加入巴拉煎、姜丝、红辣椒末、清水及调味料拌匀,排在蒸盘上。Mix pork belly slices with "Belacan", shredded ginger, chopped red chillies, water and seasoning, arrange on a heatproof plate.

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因此,避免了由高温辐射热引起的材料变形,而抗热衣服的耐久性也得到提高。Accordingly, the heatproof clothes are durable to prevent the deformation by the heat of extremely high-temperature while fis improved.

在炖肉用浅锅中加入1-2英寸深的水,待水沸腾,将装满蔬菜的耐热或金属滤锅放入沸水中,并盖上盖子。Fill a casserole dish with an inch or two of water, bring to a boil, put a heatproof or metal vegetable-filled colander inside and cover.

上海鹏松合金铸造厂,是生产和研究各类耐磨、耐热、耐冲击合金铸件的著名厂家。Shanghai Pengsong Alloy Casting Plant is a well-known enterprise to research on and produce wear-proof heatproof and clash-proof alloy casting.

结果表明,所用材料的显微组织缺陷和耐热性能差是导致芯轴发生早期断裂的主要原因。The result showed that the defects of the microstructure in the core axes and the poor heatproof of the material were the main reasons for the core axes′s earlier ruptured.

配有3米长的耐热电线,可以用普通低压电线把它延伸至桑拿室外。The product is supplied 3 meters heatproof electrical wires. Common low voltage electrical wires are permitted to connect the heatproof electrical wires to outside sauna room.

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如果你用的是干米线,请把米线放到耐热的碗里,倒上滚水,放置五分钟让它自然泡开,然后在面条软过头之前捞出来沥干。If you are usingdried rice noodles, place them in a heatproof bowl, pour over boiling water andleave for about five minutes until they are just tender, then drain before theygo too soft.

其生产的湿法合成云母粉已通过了SGS等机构的严格检测证明安全无毒,被广泛应用为珠光颜料基材、耐高温涂料、化妆品原料等。The Wet Process Synthetic Mica Powder has been proved strictly by SGS that is nontoxic and safe. Therefore, it is widely used as raw materials of pearl pigment, heatproof coatings and cosmetics etc.