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我需要作矫正术吗?Do I need to wear orthotics?

我有矫正器,并且我总是带着他们。I have orthotics and I always wear them.

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我强烈建议订造内里鞋矫形。I highly recommend custom-made orthotics.

在穿着新品Barricades时,你还会带矫正器吗?Do you wear orthotics with the new Barricades?

“感兴趣的人以上文章”什么是矫形?People interested in the above article What Are Orthotics?

由石墨定做的矫正鞋垫经久耐用,而且为舒适可做得非常薄。Graphite orthotics are durable and can be made very thin for comfort.

矫正鞋垫通常用石膏模型量足定做。Orthotics are usually custom-made using a plaster model of your foot.

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支持脚弓和脚后跟的鞋子或矫形术可以帮助治疗扁平足。Shoes or orthotics that support the arch and heel can help flat feet.

事实上有这么多不同类型的矫形器和其他设施。There are really so many different types of orthotics and other devices.

如果是,你需要采用器械来矫正你脚的不平衡。If that's the problem, you may need orthotics to correct a foot imbalance.

通常患者对做得好的矫正鞋感到舒适,但也有一些人却无法忍受穿着它。Properly made orthotics are usually comfortable, but some people cannot stand to wear them.

如果你用矫形或者定制的鞋垫,带着他们试穿跑步鞋。If you use orthotics or custom-fit insoles, bring them with you to try on your running shoes.

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治疗方面包括脚部力量练习以及穿平足鞋或是矫形鞋。Treatment includes foot–strengthening exercises, and shoes with good arch support or orthotics.

矫形器和弓状物可以减轻腿部疲劳和肌肉痛性痉挛伴发的扁平足。Orthotics and arch supports can lessen leg fatigue and muscle cramps associated with pes planus.

骨科矫形是设备,用于治疗各种脚病的生物力学。Orthotics are orthopedic devices that are used to treat a variety of biomechanical foot disorders.

一双矫正鞋垫可能并不适合你的各种鞋子,因此你也许需要分别定做对于日常穿着用或者运动用的鞋垫。One pair may not fit inside all of your shoes, so you may want separate orthotics for dress shoes or sports.

衬垫可拆卸鞋垫全天提供舒适,可采取,以满足您的定制的矫形器。Cushioned removable footbed provide comfort all-day and can be taken out to accommodate your custom orthotics.

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如果你的足部存在生物力学缺陷,你还需要寻找到适合自己的鞋后跟垫或者接受矫形手术。If you have a biomechanical problem with your feet, you may also look into getting fitted for heel lifts or orthotics.

她找到了训练师,从他们那儿她得以联系上发明者,马里兰州贝塞斯达的“支架的修复和矫正”公司。She approached the trainers, who put her in touch with the inventors, Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics in Bethesda, Maryland.

矫正工作,以减轻疼痛的调整和支持韧带和骨骼足部正确,因此,足可作为正常。Orthotics work to relieve pain by realigning and supporting the ligaments and bones of the foot properly, so that the foot can function as normal.