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他十分的好奇。He’s genuinely curious.

但“纳米细菌”是否真正存在呢?But are 'nanobacteria' genuinely alive?

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够了,你疯了。她听起来真的很沮丧。You are crazy. She sounded genuinely upset.

我们真心实意希望进行磋商。We genuinely want to engage in consultation.

这里有几个诀要助你前行。Here genuinely few tricks to help you hasong.

每天真诚地帮助一个人才会。But genuinely helping one person everyday will.

他是一位严谨的学者,一个真正的学问家。He is a serious scholar, a genuinely learned man.

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我们真的有一种言论自由的传统。I think we genuinely have a free speech tradition.

这对于他来说是个真悲剧啊It's a genuinely tragic sort of story in his case.

还是有你真正感兴趣的东西呢?Or is it something you are genuinely interested in?

我们是真心关心他们的下落。We are genuinely concerned about their whereabouts.

也为六年来那么真心真意的付出!Also for six years then genuinely and sincerely pay!

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但也有些选手真的是很有天赋。But I think some people genuinely think they're good.

诚然有些车行驶的位置确实无法做到靠边让行,但有很多可以,多数人只是选择不去这么做。Some people genuinely cannot pull over. But many can.

我很认真,粉丝们,这些不法分子必须得到惩罚。I'm being genuinely serious, Twilight fans, punish them.

也许唯一可以为美国队拿到场地赛的奖牌。Maybe the only genuinely realistic US track medal hopeful.

一个成熟、安静和理智的年轻小伙子---我由衷地喜欢他。A mature, quiet, sensible young lad – I genuinely like him.

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当你形容别人聪明的时候说“这个人脑子转得很快”,现在我们知道实际情况真的是如此。When you say someone is quick-thinking, it's genuinely true.

他们必须真诚地喜欢对方,并且能一起有效地工作。They must genuinely like one another, and work well together.

你可能真诚地帮助,但是只限在细胞层次。You may be genuinely helping, but only at the cellular level.