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前途不明朗?No bright future?

明亮的橙黄色叶片!Bright orange foliage!

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它又黑又亮。It's black and bright.

还有一条鲜红色的尾巴。and a bright red tail.

如阳光那般璀璨。Lies bright as the sun.

那颗星有多亮?How bright was the star?

看那明亮的月亮。Look at the bright moon.

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就业前景光明。Job prospects are bright.

哦,她笑的真灿烂。Oh, she's smiling bright.

这块布颜色太鲜。This cloth is too bright.

这就是袭明。This is bright and great.

光明普照,如日不晦。Bright shining as the sun.

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刘英是个聪明的女孩。Liu Ying is a bright girl.

玛丽有一双蓝莹莹的眼睛。Mary has bright blue eyes.

在光明中巍然屹立!In bright detachment stand!

它将变为浅黄色。It will turn bright yellow.

她对我灿然一笑。She gave me a bright smile.

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亮的让人憋住了呼吸。so bright I hold my breath.

我醒来时只见阳光灿烂。I awoke to bright sun-light.

它有翠绿色的表皮。It has a bright green cover.