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执著、幻想和妄想真的可怕!Obduracy , illusion and delusion of one can be terrible.

奥巴马总统只能本能地去回击共和党人的顽固立场。Mr Obama could respond by railing against Republican obduracy.

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从中还可以看出俄国对于固执的朝鲜表现出类似的失望。It seems the Russians were similarly frustrated by North Korean obduracy.

具有较强顽固性的印度核弹头技术,造成了较大的社会影响。Nuclear warhead has stronger obduracy which induces more effect on society.

但是DRDO的顽固不化占据着上风,以至于项目被拖延了这么多年。But the DRDOs obduracy prevailed and the programme dragged for so many years.

䗸许多民主党人认定,奥巴马准备再次对敌人的顽固不化予以奖赏。Many Democrats concluded that Mr Obama was preparing to reward the enemy, yet again, for its obduracy.

斯卡吉尔先生的顽固不化和好战导致他的矿工们一败涂地,他也令梅克斯伯勒不快。Yet Mr Scargill—whose obduracy and militancy led his miners to crushing defeat—also haunts Mexborough.

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他们强调中国在哥本哈根谈判中的强硬态度,作为其它国家不会采取合作的证据。And they highlight China’s obduracy in the Copenhagen negotiations as evidence that other countries will not cooperate.

在你们历史的重要时期包含着巨大的跳跃之力,却被黑暗势力顽固的延迟了。This grand period in your history involves taking a huge leap that has been much delayed by the obduracy of the dark cabal.

他的顽强弥补了曼联那毫无创造性的中场的短处,并且保证球队依然位于联赛榜首。His defensive obduracy has compensated for a lack of creativity in the United midfield and driven a team in a rebuilding phase to the top of the table.

温总理在这次记者招待会上花了很长的时间为自己在去年12月哥本哈根举行的气候变化峰会上的表现做辩解,而当时中国因为顽固的态度饱受指责。Mr Wen spent a long time at hispress conference defending his record at the climate-change summit inCopenhagen in December, where China was widely accused of obduracy.

温在新闻发布会中花了很长时间他在去年十二月哥本哈根举行的气候变化峰会中的记录辩护。Mr Wen spent a long time at his press conference defending his record at the climate-change summit in Copenhagen in December, where China was widely accused of obduracy.

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当代人依靠以“古物”为代表的非功能性系统,体现了对于起源的占有和对真确性的执迷,并以此消灭了历史感。Modern human use disfunctional system, which represented by antiques, to embody the occupancy of origin and the obduracy of certainty, and perish the sense of history by this way.