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因为我长得像克里斯托弗·里夫。Because I look like Christopher Reeve.

里夫在1995年骑马事故中受伤瘫痪。Reeve was paralyzed in a horseback riding accident in 1995.

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把棕绳穿过天车上的第一个滑轮。Reeve the 1 inch manila rope through the first crown sheave.

正如通过克里斯托弗·里夫这张照片所看到的。这一问题对人的影响有多么大。And the problem is also personal as this photo of Christopher Reeve.

她自愿要当他们的向导,这让吕富太太感到放心多了。She volunteered to be their guide, which made Mrs Reeve feel assured.

“日本的地方政府服务一定很完善!”吕富先生很惊奇。"The Japanese council services must be excellent! " Mr Reeve was amazed.

把一寸的棕绳在绞车辊筒上缠六圈。Manually reeve 6 wraps of the 1 inch manila rope onto the drawworks drum.

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Harkema教授是里夫瘫痪基金会神经恢复网络的主任。Professor Harkema is director of the Reeve Foundation's NeuroRecovery Network.

这种疾病发生在里夫身上说明它可以影响任何人,包括“超人”在内。The fact that it happened to Reeve showed it can affect anyone, even Superman.

“或许那个入境官员的英文没学得很好,”吕富先生心想。"Perhaps that immigration officer did not study English very well, " Mr Reeve thought.

他说,我现在已经形成了习惯,如果我没有每天去体育馆,我也感觉我在运动。"I'm in the habit now, if I don't go to the gym every day, that I really feel it, " Reeve said.

把一寸的棕绳穿过天车上的第一个滑轮,在井架内拉该棕绳。Pull the 1 inch manila rope inside the derrick and feed and reeve through the first crown sheave.

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Reeve希望你能将干细胞放到受损区域,然后它们就会重建所有。Reeve hoped you could put some stem cells into the damaged area and they could reconstruct everything.

这项研究的资金来自克里斯托弗•里夫瘫痪基金会和国立卫生院。Money for the research came from the Christopher &Dana Reeve Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

里夫的英年早逝使他无法看到干细胞研究是否能帮助瘫痪者恢复运动。Reeve did not live long enough to see whether stem cell research could help restore movement to the paralyzed.

据史密斯介绍,正是由于里夫的倡导,脊椎损害和干细胞研究才被如此广泛地讨论。It is because of Reeve that spinal cord injuries and stem cell research are so widely discussed, according to Smith.

用人力把棕绳从天车轮上拉过来,再穿过第一个游车轮。From the crown sheave, manually pull and reeve the 1 inch manila rope through the first sheave of the traveling block.

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“我觉得这块章鱼我愈嚼它却变得愈大块。”吕富太太不知道要怎么才能把它吞下去。"I feel this piece of octopus is growing bigger and bigger the more I chew it. " Mrs Reeve didn't quite know how to swallow it.

里夫十分聪明地知道,超人偶像性的服装会为他完成大部分的表演,所以他低调地扮演这个角色。Reeve was smart enough to know that the iconic11 costume of Superman would do most of the acting for him, so he played it low-key.

吕富夫妇搭乘火车和巴士到很多地方,住在日式旅馆,也尝试各处的当地手工甜点与面条。Mr and Mrs Reeve took trains and buses to many places, stayed in Japanese-style hotels, and tasted the local hand-made dessert and noodles.