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关于如何使用这个免费视频剪辑录像与你的相机三脚架学习技巧。Learn tips on how to use a tripod with your camera in this free video clip on videography.

于是,安德鲁开始多元发展,创设了尖端通讯保险部门以及一项电视录象制作的服务。So Andrew began to diversify, creating the Apex Security division and a videography service.

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学习技巧和作曲技法的视频录像在此免费视频剪辑。Learn tips and techniques of the composition of your video in this free video clip on videography.

他的关注点稍有不同,因为他同时参与了摄影和摄像。His focus is slightly different in that he is involved not only in photography but videography too.

你是怎么做到把摄影,摄像还有户外运动无缝的连接起来的?How do you manage to mix photography, videography and outdoor adventures so seamlessly in your life?

了解详情及背光是什么,信息的使用在这个自由的录像短片。Learn details and information about what back light is and its use in videography in this free video clip.

学习技巧和光凝胶什么以及它们是如何在录像中使用这个免费视频剪辑信息。Learn tips and information about what light gels are and how they are used in videography in this free video clip.

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你是怎么做到把摄影,摄像还有户外运动无缝的连接起来的?How do you manage to mix photography, videography and outdoor adventures so seamlessly in your life? What makes this heady mix work for you?

并介绍该系统软硬件模块,最后对高速摄像与视频触发原理作了详细的说明。The paper also discuss the system software and hardware modules, finally we focus on principle of the high speed videography and intelligent video-detect in details.

为尊重智慧财产权,课程进行中如有拍照或录影的需求,请向行政人员提出申请。In order to respecttheintellectual property rights, please direct any curriculum photography and videography needs to the Community Education Administration and obtain pre-approval for such requests.