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盗贼可以开闪避、晕人、或着逃跑。Rogues can pop Evasion, or stun and run.

在那句话还没使我们震惊之前,他继续说。Before that comment could stun us, he continued.

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闪光弹的设计是晃晕人。Flash bang grenades were designed to stun people.

李四要去抢孙三的尸体,被周五打晕强行带走。Li si to rob SunSan body, be Friday stun forced away.

萨姆站在原地,被一下打昏了。Sam stood his ground and got a blow that stun ned him.

邱利民打晕梁志强,通知翁帕客栈已经没人。Qiu Limin stun Liang Zhiqiang, inform the hotel has no one.

事实上,端枪练习是训练自由泳六次打腿的极好练习。In fact, Stun Gun is a great 6-beat-kick drill for freestyle.

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定身魔法解除后,他发现自己正躺在母亲的怀里。As the stun abated , he had found himself in his mother's arms.

警方用化学喷剂和防暴枪驱散示威人群。Officers use chemical sprays and stun guns to restrain demonstrators.

成功后能看到敌人头上的蓝色旋涡标示。You can see the blue stun swirl in this image above the Gnoll's head.

特别是你在震荡射击成功击晕对手后使用。Especially if you can afford it after a successful concussive shot stun.

在李彪放松警觉时,林振海偷袭李彪,将其打晕。In LiBiao relax vigilance, LinZhenHai sneak attack, and it will LiBiao stun.

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但是我早些时候确实得到了一些提示,例如怎么样打出司登或者加塞。But I did get some tips early on, like how to stun the ball or put side on it.

我待要回前头,却被一条蛇蹿出来吓昏了。I need to be been returning to in front, but being come out by a snake Cuan to stun.

在日常生活中,如果你使用这个句子,人们将会对你掌握英语的程度目瞪口呆。If you use this in your daily life you will stun people with your mastery of English.

经常赤身裸体的斯卡有一大把机会在小屏幕上让人目眩神迷。Frequently in the buff, Skars has plenty of opportunities to stun on the small screen.

炸弹和手榴弹现在可以对免疫昏迷和瘫痪效果的目标造成伤害。Bomb and Grenades can now inflict damage to targets immune to Stun and Incapacitate effects.

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电击枪,胡椒喷雾,泰瑟枪,语音兑换和项目不具备的商店。Stun guns, pepper spray and tasers, voice changers and the project " does " not have stores.

1530年,它的意思是使人瘫痪、麻木、失去知觉、昏迷或者丧失感觉,就好像被人猛打了一顿。In 1530 it meant to paralyze, deaden, stupefy, to stun or deprive of sensation, as by a blow.

为了自己能够让自己不被怀疑,让山猴子把自己打晕。In order to be able to let oneself not be suspected, let the mountain monkey to stun himself.