Use 'funky' in a sentence
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嘿!那是一部顶呱呱的车。Hey, that's a funky car.
我得头发今天很不乖、很难整理。My hair is so funky today.
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我们听了一些蛮特别的音乐。We listened to some funky music.
这只胆战心惊的熊精力过剩!This funky bear has soul to spare!
创造凉爽的环境,时髦再见?Create cool environments, funky ello?
否则就执行一个挺特别的比较。Otherwise there's that funky little test.
但有一点东西优雅爵士乐和时髦。Something a bit classy yet jazzy and funky.
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雨水和雾气掩盖不了腐烂的腥臭。The rain and mist can't mask the funky rot.
这只胆战心惊的熊精力过剩!Disco Bear This funky bear has soul to spare!
梦幻的火焰的样子更抽象、更奔放。Fancy flames for an more abstract, funky look.
驴肉又比猪肉瘦些,也没有羊肉那股膻味。It's leaner than pork and lacks the funky odor of mutton.
音乐起,胆源性白斜面男孩我听到你说。Play that funky music, white boy I cant hear you, say it.
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就是这样,宇宙就是一个奇奇怪怪的莫比斯环。That's it. The universe is a slightly funky Möbius strip.
其中新潮的刺青和波波头也是时髦元素的一部分。This funky fashionista features trendy tattoos and a pink bob.
那是一家墙上挂着很成心思的绘画的新潮餐馆。It is a funky restaurant with very interesting art on the walls.
这种面条总有一种恶臭味,闻起来真让我受不了。It's just got such a funky flavor to it and a smell I can't take.
我们可以看到cp1是怎么样的,很有趣,它说了一些。It says some funky stuff, and says it's a kind of Cartesian point.
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这样的事情的方法或者函数,因此现在我就开始。Right, and that is going to lead us then to this funky looking thing.
可以或许会在自身的结婚75周年庆祝派对上跳搞怪舞。Maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary.
Funky很接近没有X元素的跳舞音乐。Funky gets near to being just dance music without any X-factor element.