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警察还下令所有人撤离布拉迪斯拉发国际机机场。Also police ordered all people to leave the international airport in Bratislava.

在斯洛伐克首都布拉迪斯拉郊区,一名男子枪杀了7人,随后饮弹自尽。A gunman has killed seven people in a suburb of the Slovak capital Bratislava before turning the gun on himself.

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本发明涉及防止犬发生由布拉迪斯拉发钩端螺旋体引起的疾病的疫苗和方法。This invention relates to vaccines and methods for protecting dogs against disease caused by Leptospira bratislava.

2005年12月8日,国务院总理温家宝在布拉迪斯拉发会见了斯洛伐克国民议会议长赫鲁绍夫斯基。On December 8, 2005, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Councilor met with Slovak National Assembly Speaker Hrusovsky in Bratislava.

2005年12月7日,国务院总理温家宝在布拉迪斯拉发与斯洛伐克总理祖林达举行会谈。On December 7, 2005, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council held talks with Slovak Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda in Bratislava.

布拉提斯拉发孔子学院于2007年2月5日成立,中方合作院校是天津大学。Confucius Institute in Bratislava was established on 5th of February 2007 in collaboration with Tianjin University and Slovak University of Technology.

布拉迪斯拉发是又一个美丽的地方,为了变成一个“旅游目的地”,这个城市把当地店铺和名牌专卖店放在一起,把土豆和迪奥放在一起。Bratislava turns out to be another beautiful place, trying to become “a destination”, so it has local shops sitting alongside luxury brands, tomatoes and Dior.

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调查显示,东欧的一些城市如布拉迪斯拉发和布加勒斯特均有进步,主要是因为这些城市在安全、住房和健康卫生方面有所改善。East European cities such as Bratislava and Bucharest have made improvements in this year's survey because of advances in security, housing and health, the survey said.

最好的酒店在布拉迪斯拉发的好处,从总理的位置,在历史城市中心立即在附近的所有主要的商业中心和火车站。The best hotel in Bratislava benefits from a prime location in the historical city centre in immediate vicinity to all the main business centres and the railway station.

球迷问题使得日利纳所在的欧冠联赛F组同斯巴达克的比赛中断了20分钟,当时球迷向球场内发射火箭。Crowd trouble held up MSK Zilina's Champions League Group F match with Spartak Moscow in Bratislava for 20 minutes tonight when fans launched a fire cracker on to the pitch.