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1999年,这支爱斯基摩犬队进入了球队的第一个NCAA四强赛。In 1999, the Huskies reached their first Final Four appearance in NCAA.

NCAA将热适应加入到足球训练的计划中The NCAA has incorporated heat acclimation into football training schedules.

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他说,NCAA是进行热适应保护运动员的典范。He said the NCAA serves as an excellent example of how acclimation protects players.

佛罗里达州立大学男子篮球队在上世纪曾有过不俗的表现。The Men's Seminole basketball team has enjoyed some NCAA Success in the past century.

我们打入了相当美国大学生联赛的英国联赛,并进入了半决赛。We got to the British equivalent of the NCAA tournament—and made it to the final four.

现在,全国高校运动协会来到学校要求看该运动员的学习成绩达标的证明。Now, the NCAA goes to the college and asks for proof of this player's academic eligibility.

NCAA在2011年取消坎特的资格,因其与费内巴切对比赛中接受了现金。The NCAA ruled Kanter ineligible in 2011 after he accepted cash while playing with Fenerbahce.

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在她任教期间,哈佛曾四次获得常春藤联盟垒球冠军以及三次美国大学生体育联赛冠军。Under her tenure, Harvard has won four Ivy League softball titles and three NCAA championships.

他们没至约翰在严重的第二轮NCAA东篮球锦标赛。They were losing badly to St. John's in the second round of the NCAA East basketball tournament.

她真的获得了奖学金,一个全面资助的奖学金,并且进入美国全国大学体育协会其中一队女子甲组篮球队。She was indeed offered a scholarship, a full ride, to a Division I, NCAA women’s basketball team.

NCAA助教的工作内容中还有招生这块,而这也是吸引斯塔德迈尔的一点。NCAA assistant coach's work includes recruiting, which is also the point that attracts Stoudamire.

1994年,诺兰.理查德森教练率领的阿肯色大学队击败了杜克大学队,荣获美国大学生篮球联赛冠军,当时我也在场。When Coach Nolan Richardson’s Arkansas team won the NCAA Championship over Duke in 1994, I was in the arena.

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在全美大学生室内田径锦标赛中,南卡罗莱那一年级新生布拉德以20.22米的成绩获得铅球冠军。The South Carolina sophomore Brad won the shot put event with a toss of 20.22m at the NCAA Indoor Championships.

他们获得20胜13负的战绩,并获得NCAA循环赛的席位,但是在第一轮的比赛中就输给了北卡夏洛特分校。The Rams rode Odom to a 20-13 record and an NCAA tournament berth, but they lost in the first round to UNC Charlotte.

我国大学运动发展现况相较于NCAA而言,差距甚远,实有向其学习之必要。The development of college sports in our country is falling behind the NCAA. There is necessary to learn from this fact.

舒伯特带领女队取得了NCAA冠军赛第三名,这是继1997年夺冠候女队取得的最好成绩。Schubert guided the women to third place at the NCAA Championships, its highest finish since winning the team title in 1997.

全美大学生体育协会发布声明批评科比特的申诉,并称他的行为是“对这场悲剧中所有受害者的侮辱”。In a statement, the NCAA is blasting Corbett's suits saying the action is " an affront to all of the victims of this tragedy".

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安东尼是篮球的皇族。他还是上一年全明星的首发。他带领过美国队和在NCAA中夺得冠军!Carmelo Anthony is basketball royalty. He was a starter in this game last year. He has led Team USA, and NCAA champion Syracuse.

当他在2003赛季年满退出熊队之后,埃尔文不仅在学业方面,并且在竞技方面离开了加州大学。After his NCAA eligibility expired following his 2003 season with the Bears, Ervin left Cal academically as well as athletically.

匹茨堡、北卡、乔治城和巴特勒是其中提前进入NCAA男子篮球锦标赛的球队。Pitt, North Carolina, Georgetown and Butler are just some of the teams that advanced in the NCAA men's basketball tournament on Saturday.