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这辆车是进到我们在查尔斯顿的车场的。This car camesintosour Charleston lot.

他是查尔斯顿学院的生物学家史高顿。Scholtens of the College of Charleston.

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思嘉说过凯瑟已经从查尔斯顿回来了。Scarlett said Cathleen was home from Charleston.

该公司将在查尔斯顿进行工作。The company will perform the work in Charleston.

阿铁查尔斯顿别克,雪佛兰,GMC。Buick Charleston railroad, and Chevrolet and GMC.

今天,我母亲住在离查理士顿一千英里的地方。Today my mother lives a thousand miles away from Charleston.

照片中显示的是震后查尔斯顿市破烂的街道和被损毁的房屋。A damaged brick house and street in Charleston are shown here.

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她现在住在查尔斯顿,不过波克和百里茜都还在塔拉……She's living in Charleston now. But Pork and Prissy are at Tara.

我不去查尔斯顿,也不要什么房子,或同双胞胎结婚。I don’t want to go to Charleston or have a house or marry the twins.

亨廷顿美国西弗吉尼亚州西部城市,在查理斯顿市西边,濒俄亥俄河。A city of western West Virginia on the Ohio River west of Charleston.

侧的侧是第一步跳舞时掌握的查尔斯顿。The side-by-side is the first step to master when dancing the Charleston.

该项工作将在查尔斯顿和世界其他地方进行。The work will be performed in Charleston and at other locations worldwide.

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美国南卡罗来纳州东南部一城市,在查尔斯顿的郊区。人口24,692。A city of southeast South Carolina, a suburb of Charleston. Population, 24,692.

那是我听过的唯一一个,将查尔斯顿比作秘鲁的利马的例子That's the only known comparison of Charleston to Lima, Peru that I'm aware of.

美国南卡罗来纳州东南部一城市,在查尔斯顿的郊区。人口24,'92。A city of southeast South Carolina, a suburb of Charleston. Population, 24, '92.

查尔斯顿生产靛青并有个很好的港口,因此很多人来居住。Many people came to live in Charleston because it produced indigo and had a good port.

大量的人定迁来查尔斯顿定居,因为这里盛产靛青而且拥有一个便利的港口。Many people came to live in Charleston because it produced indigo and had a good port.

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当我再次需要迁移的时候,我被要求重新回到查尔斯顿。When it was time for me to transfer again, I had asked to be relocated back to Charleston.

但他先后派遣两人到查尔斯顿,去了解那里的情况。But he sent two men separately to Charleston to get him information on the situation there.

美国西弗吉尼亚州中西部一城市,是查尔斯顿市的一个工业郊区。人口15,968。A city of west-central West Virginia, an industrial suburb of Charleston. Population, 15,968.