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此外,他们可能拼错了。Furthermore, they may misspell some.

列一张你经常拼错字的表。Keep a list of words that you often misspell.

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现在好了吧?我还拼错了其他词了吗?OK, is that OK now? Did I misspell other words?

记住,千万不要挑选那些人们容易拼错的域名。Also be careful with names that people can easily misspell.

没错,因为我现在的程度就是需要背单字。Because I don't wat to misspell a great number of words all the time.

然而,如果故意拼错名字四字,DEATHNOTE的拥有者会死。However, if they intentionally misspell the name four times, the DEATHNOTE owner will die.

如果您拼写错了一个警告或者使用了一个并不存在的警告,这个标志将发出一个警告。If you misspell the warning or use a warning that doesn't exist, this flag will issue a warning.

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因为我常把单词拼错,所以现在我很注意英语的拼法。Because I often misspell the word, therefore I very much pay attention to English now the spelling.

如果你在set访问器里拼错属性的名字,或者你重命名了属性,那么它会悄然失效。If you misspell the property name in the setter, or rename the property, then it will silently fail.

虽然这样很方便,但如果拼错了变量名,可能会在代码中导致细微的错误。While this is convenient, it can lead to subtle errors in your code if you misspell a variable name.

域名——清楚、明、记的名称。记住,千万不要挑选那些人们容易拼错的域名。A domain name- Clear, concise and easy to remember. Also be careful with names that people can easily misspell.

这种方式可以帮助你发现一些常常拼写错误的词和常见的易混淆词汇。If there are certain words you have already identified that you misspell frequently, make yourself a spelling list.

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这不仅是一款文字预测器还可以纠正你的拼写错误。Not just a word predictor! Typ-O knows how you misspell words. This is how it finds the right words for even your worst typos.

可搜索字典应该能够显示相关的答案,即使用户略有拼错了,他们正在寻找长期的。Searchable dictionary should be able to display relevant answers even if users slightly misspell the term that they are searching for.

变量在使用之前不需要显式声明的情况下,就会很容易拼错变量名然后不小心创建了一个全新的变量。When variables do not need to be explicitly declared before you use them, it is easy to misspell a variable name and accidentally create a whole new variable.

19世纪30年代末,受过教育的年轻人圈子中有一个广受喜爱的做法,就是人们会故意拼错单词,缩写这些词,然后在互相交谈中把这些缩写当作俚语使用。During the late 1830s, it was a favorite practice among younger, educated circles to misspell words intentionally, then abbreviate them and use them as slang when talking to one another.

19世纪30年代末,受过教育的年轻人圈子中有一个广受喜爱的做法,就是人们会故意拼错单词,缩写这些词,然后在互相交谈中把这些缩写当作俚语使用。During the late 1830s, it was a favorite practice among younger, educated circles to misspell words intentionally, then abbreviate them and use them as slang when talking to one another.