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再教育对此能有所帮助。This is where reeducation can help.

劳动教养制度的回顾和发展。First part, Reeducation through Labor Review and Development.

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对美国白人来说,这是漫长而痛苦的再教育的开始。It was the start of a long, painful reeducation for white America.

说句心里话,有谁愿意成为一名劳教人员呢?To tell the truth, who would like to go to the labor reeducation camp?

改造“还包括背诵金日成和金正日的语录。Reeducation involved memorizing speeches by Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il.

在必要的时候,也可以由政府收容教养。When necessary, he may also be taken in by the government for reeducation.

对照组未给予感觉再训练及口服弥可保片剂治疗。Control group were not treated with sensory reeducation or oral intake of methycobal.

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在中国,人才市场和再教育确实变得越来越流行。Job fairs and reeducation centers are indeed becoming more and more popular in China.

“我们歧视黑人?”对美国白人来说,这是漫长而痛苦的再教育的开始。"We're prejudiced?" It was the start of a long, painful reeducation for white America.

因此,在我国城市汽车化时期,有必要对汽车驾驶员的再教育问题进行探讨、研究。So it is necessary to discuss and research drivers' reeducation in city automobile's times.

由于司法体系崩溃,地方领导把数百万人送进劳教营。As the justice system collapsed, local leaders sent millions to labor and reeducation camps.

对未教人员的再社会化是劳动教养工作的核心内容。Not re-teaching staff of socialization is the core of the work of reeducation through labor.

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为实现新的转变,图书馆员必须提高自身素质,接受继续教育。In order to achieve this change, the librarians must improve their diathesis and accept reeducation.

第一部分,研究劳动教养人员权利的概况即基本理论问题。The first part of the rights of reeducation through labor is an overview of the basic theoretical issues.

劳动教养制度是我国特定历史条件创设的一种法律制度。The system of reeducation through labor is b legal system created with special historic conditions in China.

在对劳动教养制度进行改革探索时,应该将注意力回归到劳动教养适用对象本身。While exploring the reform of the reeducation through labor system, should pay attention to the applied object.

如果他是普通的民众的话,他就会被逮捕了,然后被送去在教育基地,去改造行为。If he was an ordinary citizen, he would have been arrested and sent to a reeducation camp for behavior modification.

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农村和城市都需要再教育和培训,这样那些已经落后的人才有可能赶上来。Reeducation and training are needed in both the country and the city so that those who have been left behind might catch up.

目的探讨感觉再训练及口服弥可保片剂对周围神经修复术后患者感觉功能恢复的促进作用。Objective To explore the effect of sensory reeducation and methycobal on sensory restoration after repair of peripheral nerve.

某NGO报道说,某个改造中心过于拥挤以至于犯人被迫相互压着睡或者坐着睡。An NGO reported that one reeducation center was so crowded that prisoners were forced to sleep on top of each other or sitting up.