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莫里斯从喀布尔发回报道称。Chirst Morris reports from Kabul.

昆廷·萨默维尔在喀布尔报道。Quentin Sommerville reports from Kabul.

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扬尤亚敦促喀布尔不要再提出这种指称。She urged Kabul to stop making such claims.

而喀布尔的安保行业则是种黑吃黑的局面。The industry in Kabul is far more dog-eat-dog.

巴格兰省在阿富汗首都喀布尔以北约160公里。Baghlan Province, Afghanistan 160 km north of Kabul.

妇女走在喀布尔的萨基在3月16日公墓。Women walk at the Sakhi cemetery in Kabul on March 16.

上图中是喀布尔的轮廓图和兴都库什山脉的雪山。Above, the Kabul skyline and the peaks of the Hindu Kush.

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整个喀布尔都能看到腾起的黑烟。The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over Kabul.

阿富汗西北部的一城市,位于喀布尔以东,在哈里河上。A city of northwest Afghanistan on the Hari Rud east of Kabul.

两名走过潘杰希尔峡谷的妇女,喀布尔南部。Afghan women walk through the Panjshir Valley, north of Kabul.

在喀布尔,一阿富汗工人削木柴,以点燃砖窑。An Afghan worker cuts firewood to light a brick kiln in Kabul.

一天的劳苦后,一位阿富汗小摊贩走在坎布尔市回家的路上。An Afghan vendor walks down a street after a working day in Kabul.

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对于喀布尔女性花园,赛丽柯女士还有其他的打算。Ms. Salik has other projects in mind for the Kabul Women's Garden.

对于喀布尔女性花园,赛丽柯女士还有其他的打算。Ms. Salik has other projects in mind for the Kabul Women’s Garden.

现经了解,我可以肯定地告诉大家,王毅副外长确实要经过巴基斯坦赴喀布尔。By now I can assure you that he will take way from Pakistan to Kabul.

从喀布尔开往加兹尼的顶上装着两辆小车的巴士车在半路抛了锚。Broken down bus transporting two cars on the roof from Kabul to Ghazni.

在阿富汗首都喀布尔的纳底尔汗山坡上,一名男子准备放风筝。A man prepares to fly his kite on Nadir Khan hill in Kabul April 6, 2007.

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英美联军作为解放者在首都喀布尔受到夹道欢迎。S. and British troops were greeted as liberators in the capital of Kabul.

卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪的声音和连续不断的大炮声在喀布尔回荡。Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery.

HAWCA了解到这一情况后,将该名妇女接到了堪布尔。When HAWCA learned of the case, the organization brought the woman to Kabul.