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就是有名的芦苇海。That is the famed Reed Lake.

立足齐鲁,誉满九洲,是我们的目标。Based Qilu, famed Jiuzhou is our goal.

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哪四大名花?What are those four most famed flowers?

这就是香溪堡非常有名的古堡。This is the famed ancient Xiangxi Castle.

夏威夷著名白沙滩正在萎缩。Hawaii's famed white sandy beaches are shrinking.

约在1450年,他印制了著名的四十二行圣经。He produced the famed 42-line bible at about 1450.

他的嘉宾是著名的台湾主持陶晶莹。His guest was the famed Taiwanese host, Matilda Tao.

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大牛,这位啊就是锡伯族著名的书法家格土肯先生。Daniel, This is the famed Xibe calligrapher Mr. Ge Tuken.

著名的忽必烈可汗就是在这建立他的王朝。The famed Kublai khan ruled his empire from a palace here.

这安阳是什么地方,怎么净出这么有名的东西?What kind of place is Anyang with so many famed artifacts?

台湾远近驰名的珍珠奶茶,居然可以不用任何一滴牛奶制成?Taiwan's famed milk tea, was able without any drop of milk?

一张从空中拍到的著名的秘鲁南部纳斯卡线的照片。An aerial view shows the famed Nasca Lines of southern Peru.

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他就是仓央嘉措,中国历史上的六世达拉喇嘛,也是一名著名的诗人。He is Tsangyang Gyatso, the 6th Dalai Lama, and a famed poet.

上图描绘的是他于阿提拉那次著名的会面。Pictured above is the famed meeting between St Leo and Attila.

事实上,这些著名的冰川预计到2050年就会消失。In fact, the famed glaciers are predicted to disappear by 2050.

那里以吸血虫的体积和数量著称。Somewhere famed for the size and quantity of its tiger leeches.

他们的共同祖先是著名的罗伯特利文斯顿老。Their common ancestor was the famed Robert Livingston the Elder.

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这就是著名的热带植物学家蔡希陶先生和他的学生们。This is the famed tropical botanist Cai Xitao with his students.

著名的交易者路易斯?培根和蒙罗·特劳特也在名单中。Famed traders Louis Bacon and Monroe Trout were on the list, too.

临江被誉为“中国高山红景天之乡”。Linjiang is famed of "the home of Chinese mountain red stonecrop".