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他设法避嫌。He managed to avert suspicion.

他道歉以避免麻烦。He apologized to avert trouble.

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将为此湖筑堤以防洪水。The lake will be dyked to avert floods.

建筑物现在属于“召唤”,以避免锁定行为。Buildings are now "summoned" to avert caging abuses.

她们会脸红,躲避目光,耸耸肩。They blush, avert their eyes, hunch their shoulders.

遗传知识能防止应激抑郁吗?Can Genetic Knowledge Avert Stress-Induced Depression?

当表错情,会错意时你会怎样摆脱尴尬?How do you avert embarrassment when you are misunderstood?

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但这些措施并不足以避免灾难的发生。But these measures may not be sufficient to avert disaster.

但是他们的确避开了灾难,犯大错的次数也很少。But they did avert disaster and committed only a few big blunders.

若干补救措施可能能够防止长江江豚重复白鳍豚相同的命运。Several measures may avert a similar fate for the Yangtze porpoise.

国会两党会在星期五晚上达成一致并且避免这些后果么?Will Congress avert the suffering and reach a deal by Friday night?

想要避免更为严重的问题,惟一的办法是进行新一轮改革。The only way to avert more serious problems is a new wave of reform.

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介绍了几种改进措施以避免铅丹对电池的不利影响。Some improvement methods were obtained for avert the negative effects.

我们必须进行缓解和适应,从而避免最极端的情境。We will have to mitigate and adapt to avert the most extreme scenario.

诚实的人有时候会在说真话的时候转移视线。Honest people sometimes avert their gaze when they are telling the truth.

又是一则伤人事件!有必要吗?有什么办法防止此类事件的发生?Violence again! Is it necessary? What can be done to avert such occurences?

在100,000婴儿中,一项筛检可避免187个神经管缺陷。In 100, 000 births, a screening program would avert 187 neural tube defects.

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将目光移向路的右边,利用白线作为指南。Avert your eyes to the right side of the road and use the white line as a guide.

应用了双缓冲技术来防止动画期间屏幕闪烁。Double-buffer technology is applied to avert screen flicker and flash during animation.

但他没有采取任何措施来遏制泡沫,认为减少货币供应的方法见效较慢。He did nothing to avert it, feeling that reducing the money supply was too blunt a tool.