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唯有一种人是异常的,即无法去爱的人。The only abnormality is the incapacity to love.

谨小慎微是平庸无能者所追求的一位富有而又丑陋的老处女。Prudence is a rich, ugly, old maid courted by Incapacity.

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不同之处在于选举资格的构成。They differ only in respect to what constitutes incapacity.

他装病或装作其它形式的无能为力以逃避责任。He feigned illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty.

求教于人无损于你的伟大,也不会得你无能。To seek advice does not lessen the greatness or argue incapacity.

乔治补充说“我们的丧失工作能力福利津贴直接打入我们在法国的银行帐户。Our incapacity benefit is paid straight into our French bank account.

采用协议或API封装作为接口方式,实现了系统的高效灵活。By protocol and API incapacity as interface method, this improved scalability of the system greatly.

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雇员必须在不能工作而出现误工时的第一天以及在最早的时间就通过电话通知公司。You must notify us by telephone on the first day of incapacity and at the earliest possible opportunity.

参议院也可以选出一个副主席,在主席因病、老、死等原因不能履职时继任之。Senators may also elect a vice president , tosucceed the president in case of illness incapacity or death.

中风后,总统行为的突出特征是,他拒绝承认自己的伤残。Following his stroke, the outstanding feature of the President’s behavior was his denial of his incapacity.

教育权力的失能和不足,造成教育中种种压制性暴力的泛滥。The incapacity of power in education results in the different hegemonies and violence in everyday education.

因此有理由相信,美国男人的这种训练出来的不会哭的能力严重损害着他的健康。And there is good reason to believe that the American male‘s trained incapacity to cry is seriously damaging to him.

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怎么样才能让自己变得勇敢坚强大胆有自信,不再这么懦弱胆小无能?How does ability let him become brave firm and bold have self-confidence, no longer so cowardly and recreant incapacity ?

对这种毫无根基感的无能为力迫使我对现时“根源”的重新发现和重新定义。The incapacity to overcome this rootlessness has urgently prompted me to rediscover and "re-define" our "roots and origins" today.

在这个领域的保健专家负责管理工作场所,鉴定那里的安全障碍或者是职业病潜在的来源。Hygienists in this field monitor workplaces to identify any safety hazards or potential sources of occupational disease or incapacity.

皇帝在维尔纳期间对库图佐夫更加不满,这特别因为库图佐夫明显地不愿意或者是不能够理解未来战役的意义。The Tsar's displeasure was increased at Vilna by Kutuzov's obvious unwillingness or incapacity to see the importance of the approaching campaign.

如果说女性也许会导致男人性无能,亲热时完全被动的女人反而更可能令对方如此。If say the female perhaps can bring about man sex incapacity , affectionate when completely passive woman makes opposite party more possibly instead such.

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||除非另有同意,如果雇员的误工假超过七天而还不能上班时,最多还可再请一周的误工假。If your incapacity extends to more than seven days you are required to notify us of your continued incapacity once a week thereafter, unless otherwise agreed.

基于完全丧失行为能力的理由而提出累算权益申索的自雇人士或前任自雇人士无须提出雇主证明书。For a self-employed person or a former self-employed person who claims payment on grounds of total incapacity , there is no need to produce an employer letter.

致使女人喋喋不休讨价还价的原因,始终是对强迫、对一种潜在的统治欲的恐惧--那是爱的匮乏,是限制、是伤残。It is always the fear of imposition, and a lurking intent to rule, that causes the woman to haggle over a word--it is absence of love, a limitation, an incapacity.