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很可能是一桩失踪案。And perhaps a disappearance.

没人注意到他失踪了。No one noticed his disappearance.

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测量草酸消失的速率。Make a measurement of the disappearance.

这就是反应物消失的速率。And you have some rate of its disappearance.

荆告的关键戴夫失踪。Jing Gao holds the key to Dave's disappearance.

我要知道他失踪前前后后的情况。I want to know the history of his disappearance.

他将他太太的失踪向警方报案。He reported his wifes disappearance to the police.

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这些和赫勒的失踪有什么关系?What does this have to do with Hiller's disappearance?

依然害怕你会转顺消失。You will still be afraid to shun the disappearance of.

许多归咎于失踪的整个大蓬车他们。Many blame the disappearance of whole caravans upon them.

一个谜团,还用说吗!很可能是一桩失踪案。A clue to a mystery of course. And perhaps a disappearance.

在耶利内克手中,文学体裁的樊篱消失了。Literary genres pale to disappearance under Jelinek's hand.

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这些和治安官赫勒的失踪有什么关系?。What does this have to do with Constable Hiller's disappearance?

另一个趋势是动物副产品的下降。Another downside would be the disappearance of animal by-products.

为你叔叔的失踪而复仇,并唤醒命运之石!Avenge your uncle's disappearance and awaken The Stone of Destiny.

他光着头站在路上,盯牢着她,很快地她就无影无踪了。He stood bareheaded in the road, watching her quick disappearance.

分析认为这是由于表面吸附气体被消除的缘故。It could be attributed to the disappearance of surface adsorbed gas.

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由于这种转变的失败,这些村庄正处于消失的边缘。Because of this failure the village are at the brink of disappearance.

各环节之间在人才培养方面存在缺失和错位。Between the links, there appears to be disappearance and misplacement.

现在揭开小伤疤,是为了以后不出现大伤疤。Now uncover the small scab is for the big scabs ' disappearance later.