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总统的冒名顶替者尚未被找到。The presidential impersonator has not been found.

还有扮演萨拉·佩林的人四处走动。So is that Sarah Palin impersonator walking around.

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这些冒领让依赖救援的希腊财政雪上加霜。The impersonator to rely on financial aid for Greece worse.

取消猫王的演员并取消其去维加斯。Call off the Elvis impersonator and cancel the trip to Vegas.

实际上,尼克森的声音是由一位名叫里奇·利特尔的演员模仿的。Nixon's voice actually turned out to be that of impersonator Rich Little.

冒领奖金事件在加拿大发生过很多次,而且都是销售员所为。Impersonator bonuses occurred many times in Canada, and all sales staff should do.

他们三年半前在拉斯维加斯的猫王模仿秀上结婚。They were married three and a half years ago by an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas.

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我们不知道它是一个吉姆瓦尼模仿或如果他们从通气管未使用的线路。We're not sure if it's a Jim Varney impersonator or if they're unused lines from outtakes.

昨日在英国馆外面,一猫王扮演者逗得正在馆外排队的人大笑。An Elvis Presley impersonator amuses visitors waiting outside the British Pavilion yesterday.

四岁的王一鸣,昵称小宝,是众多MJ模仿者中年龄最小的一个。Four-year-old Wang Yiming, better known as Xiao Bao, may be the youngest-ever impersonator of Michael Jackson.

因为她们长得很像,她在23年前就决定辞去广告业的工作并全职做希拉里的模仿者。Because they looked so much alike, she decided to quit her job in advertising 23 years ago and become a full-time Clinton impersonator.

彼得生于埃尔南德斯,这个夏威夷25岁的原生是一个年轻的男孩时,他开始模仿猫王的专业工作。Born Peter Hernandez, this 25-year-old native of Hawaii was a young boy when he began working as a professional Elvis Presley impersonator.

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几个月前,奥迪汽车制造商推出了一个电视广告,希望能宣传一下他们的新自动传动系统的好处。Audi hoped to extol the virtues of its new automatic transmission in a television ad in which an Audi driver picks up an Elvis impersonator.

中国一位演员希望,奥巴马卸任后,自己模仿奥巴马的事业不会结束。Chinese actor hopes his career as a Barack Obama impersonator will not be finished now that the president is about to leave the Oval Office.

补助资金严格用于为学生提供食品,严禁直接发放给学生和家长,严防虚报冒领。Subsidy funds must be used strictly for food for students, forbidding any direct payment to students or parents and prevent false impersonator.

纪念真皮手带。参与活动也有机会参加抽奖获取精美奖品。Also an MJ Impersonator Contest will be held, with the first prize a specially-designed commemorative MJ bracelet. It will include a lucky draw.

由于现有规则直接刺激量产,导致缺乏创新的充水垃圾产品冒领奖励浪费资源。As the existing rules to directly stimulate production, leading to a lack of innovation in water-filled junk impersonator reward waste of resources.

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就象中国谚语所说的“自古红颜多薄命”。林黛玉如此,同样扮演者陈哓旭又重演了这一幕。As the old Chinese saying goes, "beautiful women suffer unhappy fates. " Lin Daiyu is so, and her impersonator Chen Xiaoxu re-acted the play in her real life.

“幽灵养老金”丑闻6月份就曾被曝光,但希腊政府并未认真对待,称只存在数千例冒领现象。"Ghost pension" scandal was exposed on June, but the Greek Government has not taken seriously, said there are thousands of cases only impersonator phenomenon.

“你不该把车停这!”女人尖叫说,她护着她的孩子,旁边有一大群人在围观,包括一个打扮成猫王的巡游演员。"You don't belong here! , " screams the woman, supposedly in front of her child and a hoard of bystanders in costume, including an Elvis Presley impersonator.