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我看到了熟人,喊住他,斯坦森!There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying Stetson !

尝试着戴一顶斯泰森毡帽或者男式软呢帽,然后看看你得到了什么样的反响。For fun try wearing a Stetson or fedora, then watch to see what kind of reaction you get.

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但斯泰森却将目光盯住了位置更好的大和号,这艘巨舰舰身已经严重倾斜。But Stetson had just gotten a good look at the Yamato. The ship appeared to be listing badly.

表演者热情地向中国贵宾赠送斯特森骑士帽。A jockey enthusiastically presented a Stetson horseman hat to the distinguished Chinese guest.

灾后重建,加上戴软呢帽,穿13号鞋的石油大亨的到来,使安克雷奇变成了一个现代都市。Rebuilding, with the arrival of Big Oil in his stetson and size thirteens, has shaped the modern metropolis.

霍克同意了,他命令斯泰森将鱼雷深度从10英尺调整到20英尺,10英尺的深度是攻击巡洋舰的。Houck concurred, ordering Stetson to change the torpedo running depth from 10 feet to 20. The 10-foot depth had been preset to hit cruisers.

卡巴顿责问道,扶着椅子,坐下,把精致的蜡烛盘放在腿上当烟灰缸,把他的史特桑帽子扔在沙发上,正好落在她的旁边。Cal chided, tossing his Stetson onto the sofa beside her as he hooked a wing chair and sat down in it, with a pretty candy dish in his lap to serve as an ashtray.

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斯特森称他是做了其它求偿努力失败后才发起诉讼的。因为缺钱,损坏的跑道目前尚未修复,但仍然可用。Stetson said he was done after failure of other efforts to initiate claim proceedings. Because of lack of money, yet repair the damaged runway, but still available.

实际上大多数民调还是把他排在共和党候选人中的前几名。他从八月宣布参选开始不久就超过米特·罗姆尼占据了这个位置。In fact most polls continue to put him at or near the top of the Republican field, where he took the place of Mitt Romney soon after throwing his Stetson into the ring in August.

他来到这个乡村小镇的牛仔皮靴藏到与马刺队的汗渍斯特森和风化的脸,离开毫无疑问,牧场一直是他所有的生活。He arrived in this rural town with jeans tucked into boots with spurs, a sweat-stained Stetson and a weathered face, leaving no doubt that ranching has been part of him all his life.