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你不要有偏见。You don't prejudge.

不要过早对这个问题下判断。Try not to prejudge the issue.

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对于发生的所有事情,我不去妄加判断。I’m not going to prejudge where the whole thing comes out.

工作正在进行中,对最后的结果我不想预测。That work is ongoing, and I do not want to prejudge the outcomes.

所有的公共当局都有义务不预断审判结果。All public authorities have the duty not to prejudge the trial result.

但美国、日本和加拿大对此表示反对,称任何数字都是对结果的过早判断。The United States, Japan and Canada are opposed, saying any figures would prejudge the outcome.

你永远不应该预先判断一个有创造力的想法而不先花费必要时间对其仔细评估。You should never prejudge an inspired idea without taking the necessary time to mindfully evaluate it.

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如果无神论者不希望有神论者对他们未审先判,那麽他们也不应该对有神论者做出同样的事。If atheists do not want theists to prejudge them in a negative light, then they must not do unto theists the same.

这项声明只是一个初步评定,并不代表欧盟委员会的最终决定。A Statement of Objections is a preparatory document that does not prejudge the European Commission's final decision.

英国石油曾说,在完成全面调查之前,它不想对4月20日的事情过早做出判断。The oil giant has said it didn't want to prejudge what happened on April 20 until a thorough investigation was completed.

双方都应避免采取任何可能破坏互信或预断谈判结果的行动。Both sides should refrain from taking any actions that may undermine mutual trust or prejudge the outcome of negotiations.

至于定居点问题,赖斯说,美国反对巴以任何一方对谈判结果进行过早的判断。As to settlements, she said the United States opposes action by either side that would prejudge the outcome of negotiations

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潘基文敦促所有黎巴嫩和这个地区的政党不要预先判断该法庭的诉讼结果,更不要干涉法庭工作。Mr. Ban urged all Lebanese and regional parties not to prejudge the outcome of the tribunal's proceedings and not to interfere with its work.

所以,当然我们不希望学生变得偏见——在她们知道任何一种东西之前,去怀疑这种想法或活动的正确性或愿望。So, of course we do not want students to be prejudiced—to prejudge the correctness or desirability of some idea or action before they know anything about it.

阿布拉菲亚先生作为一位认真负责的历史学家并没有在本书中对未来作出过多猜测,也没有对目前这个时代将在整个地中海历史中所处的位置作出预判。Mr Abulafia is too conscientious a historian to speculate much about the future, or even to prejudge how the modern age will fit into the sweep of Mediterranean history.

中东问题四方说,包括有关定居点活动的任何单边行为都不会被国际社会所承认。It said unilateral actions by either side, including settlement activity, cannot prejudge the outcome of negotiations and will not be recognized by the international community.

美国国务院谴责这一驱逐行动,表示“单方面行动不能预先决定谈判结果,而且不会得到国际社会的认可”。The U.S. State Department condemned the evictions, saying "unilateral actions . . . cannot prejudge the outcome of negotiations and will not be recognized by the international community."