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艾舍斯特咬着袖子,抑制悔恨交迫的呻吟。Ashurst bit at his sleeve, to stifle a groan of remorseful longing.

由于无法阻止这首歌的播出,戈培尔便将怒火发泄到了歌手身上。Unable to stifle the song, Goebbels vented his anger on the singer.

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如果你这么快就扼杀了创新,你就会错失下一波机会。If you try to stifle innovation too quickly, you lose the next wave.

为什么仍然允许这个13世纪的法律压制合法的持不同政见者?Why is this 13th-Century law still permitted to stifle legitimate dissent?

随着我们长大“成熟”,许多人遏止或拒绝我们好奇的天性。As we grow up and “mature” many of us stifle or deny our natural curiosity.

政府应该抑制把伊拉克和过去的冲突相比较的冲动。The Administration should stifle the impulse to compare Iraq to conflicts past.

维生素B可以帮助阻止高半胱氨酸,它是损害血管的一种氨基酸。B vitamins can help stifle homocysteine, an amino acid that damages blood vessels.

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我们的房子很小,还不足700平方英尺,我不能抑止的每一次声响她都能听到。Our house is small. Less than 700 square feet. She heard every sound I couldn't stifle.

这只会抑制你的创造力,可能让你的作品看上去干瘪,没有原创色彩。That will only stifle your creativity and could make your writing seem dry and unoriginal.

同样,也无需在餐桌上强忍住不打饱嗝,最好的办法是入乡随俗。Also, there's no need to stifle burps at the dinner table nor to react to the burps of others.

现在我们可以回到仙境这样我就可以去睡觉,我不能再打哈气了。Great" I say. "Now we can go back to Fairyland so I can get some sleep" I can't stifle a yawn.

首相维克托•奥班认为继续紧缩财政将会不利于匈牙利的经济复苏。Viktor Orban, the prime minister, says further cuts will stifle his country’s economic recovery.

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我们希望政府的监管力度足够强硬来减少危机但又不至于破坏了创新能力。We want regulation to be strong enough to reduce risk but not so strong as to stifle innovation.

这也许是因为集体主义社会扼杀了个人对自我实现的追求吧。This may be because collectivist societies stifle the individual's search for self-actualisation.

你要拖我也没措施,那就拖吧,拖多久我陪着你玩。You want to stifle and I didn't also way, then dragging it to drag how long I accompany you play.

不难想象,政府有朝一日会使用手机数据来扼杀不同意见。It is not hard to imagine that the government could also one day use cell-phone data to stifle dissent.

膝关节显示出良好的角度,飞节到后跟的距离短,且垂直于地面。The stifle shows good functional angulation, and hock to heel is short and perpendicular to the ground.

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这些诉讼是不足为奇的,他们的外国同行,如苹果,谷歌和三星都试图用专利扼杀在全球智能手机行业的竞争者。Samsung are all trying to use an armory of patents to stifle competition in the global smartphone industry.

所以,当中产阶级刚刚露出雏形,制度和政策之手,就必然将其扼杀于摇篮之中。So, just when his middle-class shape, systems and policies in hand, they are bound to stifle the cradle of.

考夫曼的母亲明迪如是说,“当你发现有人怀着梦想和绝妙想法的时候,就不会想要去阻止。”Says his mother, Mindy, "When you see someone who has a dream and a great idea, you don't want to stifle it."