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你好!请问是昆仑饭店吗?Hello, is this Kunlun Hotel?

去昆仑饭店,请走B出口。Take Exit B for the Kunlun Hotel.

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昆仑山的天女来到了人间。Kunlun Mountains angel came to earth.

我们要去看看。昆仑饭店在哪里?We'll try that.Where is the Kunlun Hotel?

早晨好,太太。欢迎光临昆仑饭店。Good morning madam. Welcome to Kunlun Hotel.

打车到昆仑饭店需要多少钱?How much should it cost to the Kunlun Hotel?

下星期五你到昆仑饭店去签到参加一个会议。Kunlun Hotel next Friday to attend a meeting.

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哦,在昆仑饭店有一家好餐馆。专营上海菜。Kunlun Hotel. It specialises in Shanghai food.

我们要去看看。昆仑饭店在哪里?。We'll try that. Where is the Kunlun Hotel? feZ.

在昆仑饭店有一家好餐馆。There is a very good restaurant in the Kunlun Hotel.

国内分布新疆西部的昆伦山脉及喀什地区。Recorded in W Xinjiang in Kunlun Mts and Kashi region.

但是如果真的昆仑派杀过来,我又该怎么办呢?However, if the Kunlun sent to kill over, how should I do?

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据传他住在昆仑山光明顶。He's believed to live in the Bright Place of Kunlun Mountain.

下星期五你到昆仑饭店去签到参加一个会议。You'll check in at Kunlun Hotel next Friday to attend a meeting.

再者,在中国人的宇宙观中,北斗七星高悬于昆仑上之上。Also, in Chinese cosmology, the Big Dipper hangs above Mount Kunlun.

玛曲断裂位于东昆仑断裂带的最东段。Maqu fault is the easternmost segment of the East Kunlun active fault.

这也是中国建成的第三个南极科研考察站。Kunlun Station is also the third research station of China in Antarctica.

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中石油昆仑燃气将最大程度地解决这部分天然气缺口。Kunlun gas comes into help and will maximally solve the shortage problem.

昆仑山由东、中、西昆仑三部分组成。The Kunlun Mountains comprise the East, Middle and West Kunlun Mountains.

2002年,在北京昆仑饭店承办的韩国LG润滑油新闻发布会。Press Releasing of Korea LG Lubricant held in Beijing Kunlun Hotel in 2002.