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它们在沙发上。They'reon the sofa.

我想买那个黄色的沙发床。Th is is a sofa bed?

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他们阿子沙发上。They're on the sofa.

瞧,这是我的新沙发床!It's my new sofa bed!

她斜倚在沙发上。She couched on a sofa.

吸沙发下的灰尘?Vacuum under the sofa?

这张沙发当床用。This sofa serves as abed.

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地靠在沙发上。He was lounging on a sofa.

瞧?这是我新的沙发床!See? It's my new sofa bed!

这个沙发兼作床用。The sofa doubles as a bed.

他在沙发上睡了一木楞儿。He had a sleep on the sofa.

他从沙发上猛然跳了起来。He sprang up from the sofa.

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检验沙发的回弹力。The test sofa back stretch.

有一个沙发它。There is a sofa opposit it.

她安静地坐在沙发上。She sat on the sofa quietly.

白色的镂空沙发巾。White hollow out sofa cover.

附近的一个小沙发床上。A small sofa is near the bed.

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她屈身躺在沙发上。She cast herself on the sofa.

请您带我看看沙发床好吗?Would you show me a sofa bed?

她把沙发垫子拍得鼓鼓的。She plumps up the sofa cushion.