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买一个计步器一家体育用品商店。Buy a pedometer at a sporting goods store.

或者,戴上计步器记录你的步数,也是不错的选择。Or wear a pedometer and keep track of your steps.

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准备好以后,记下计步器上的数字。When you are ready, note the number on the pedometer.

但是仅仅在你计步器上增加步数是不算的。But just adding steps on your pedometer doesn't count.

然后走大约一分钟,再记下新的计数。Walk for exactly one minute and note the new number on the pedometer.

戴上能计算距离的计步器有助于走更多的路。Wearing a pedometer that measures distance can encourage more walking.

这些自愿者得到了一个计步器,并且有人指导他们如何去用。The volunteers were also given a pedometer and instructed how to use it.

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如果你想开始步行锻炼,就要准备好舒适的运动鞋和计步器。If you want to start a walking program, get comfortable walking shoes and a pedometer.

为了要计算你每分钟的步数,带上你的计步器,然后去你喜爱的运动地点。To calculate your steps per minute, put on your pedometer and head to your favorite walking spot.

计步器是一个小仪器,可以夹在你的皮带或口袋上,记下你的步数。A pedometer is a small device that, when clipped to your belt or pocket, records every step you take.

零敲碎打的把每天的散步时间累计起来能获得相同的叠加效果,或者戴上计步器和记录你的步数也是不错的选择。Count a few minutes here and a few there, and just add them up. Or wear a pedometer and keep track of your steps.

同时他们还要减少活动量,每天不能超过5000步,这个数据是由步数计测量所得。At the same time they had to reduce their activity levels to no more than 5,000 steps a day, as measured by a pedometer.

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他们在美国预防医学杂志上发表说,用计步器测量是远远不够的,因为它并没有给出运动强度的数据。They wrote in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine that a pedometer alone was not enough to gauge exercise as it gave no data on intensity.

于是本研究尝试探讨走路是否有助于老人的健康,并且评估计步器是否可作为促进走路的工具。Hence, present study attempted to discover whether walking are able to improve the health of the elderly, furthermore, to assess whether the pedometer can be used as a tool to promote walking.