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这是我的地盘。This is my thing.

做好一件事情。Do one thing well.

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那乡下人的事情?The redneck thing?

我因事发牢骚。I grumble at thing.

这是一件大好事。It is a good thing.

无为,是道学中的东西。It's a Daoist thing.

这不关我的事。This isn’t my thing.

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关你什麽事?。Close you what thing?

跳舞会的事?。Prom committee thing?

这东西很邪门!This thing is wicked.

故事就这样开始了。Thus the thing began.

坏事传千年。A bad thing neer dies.

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安将买东西。An will buy the thing.

古董,文物?Curio, cultural thing?

这可是件大好事”。That is a great thing.

这是一次大的转折。That was a huge thing.

哪会有这种事?There's no such thing.

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这是一件可怕的事。This is a scary thing.

坏事遗臭万年。A bad thing never dies.

你派他们去别忘了一件事?Don't forget one thing.