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不要在这一点上妥协。Don't compromise on this.

妥协为时不远?Is a compromise in sight?

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这是一个共同的妥协。This is a shared compromise.

我不能让自由打折扣。I cannot compromise on freedom.

在这点上我没有妥协。There is no compromise on that.

年夜略我们还可以会商一下。Maybe we can compromise on this.

不仅仅因为它是个折中的方案Not only is it a good compromise.

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1632年达成了一项妥协。A compromise was attempted in 1632.

我宁死也不妥协。I would rather die than compromise.

我们对一切妥协。We compromise on almost everything.

有主见是宽容和妥协。It is about toleration and compromise.

无废气,无噪音,不妥协。No emissions, no noise, no compromise.

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谁都不肯妥协,我们只是争执。No one will compromise. We just argue.

他从不把妥协的门堵死。He never closed the door to compromise.

他对他的原则寸步不让。He refused to compromise his principles.

不投降。不放弃。不妥协。No Surrender. No Give-up. No Compromise.

我想我们可以谈出一个协议来。I imagine we could work out a compromise.

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我只是不能像那样和自己妥协。I just can’t compromise myself like that.

这是一个妥协与平衡的问题。It is a matter of compromise and balance.

当然,即使这是一个妥协海事组织。Of course, even that is a compromise IMO.