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请在每箱上唛头并加上连续编号。Please mark the cases and the number consecutively.

相反,只用连续地读一遍你的笔记就行了。Instead, read your notes through consecutively only once.

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在一个月内乘車日可以是連续或非連续使用。Travel days may be used consecutively or non-consecutively.

在这三个服务器上顺序执行以下步骤。Perform the following steps on all three servers consecutively.

对于所有公司代码,工厂代码必须是连续的。Plants must always be consecutively numbered for all company codes.

在一个月内乘車日可以是連续或非連续使用。Travel days may be used consecutively or non-consecutively within the validity.

所有箱子唛头照常,但请从第11箱起连续编号。All boxes are marked as usual, but please number them consecutively from No. 11.

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跟踪点号按照年月顺序出现在格式化的输出文件中。Trace point numbers appear consecutively in a chronologically formatted output file.

语言文字由很多相续生灭的音节或声音构成。Words are made up of many syllables or sounds that arise and pass away consecutively.

各章内编号连续,各章之间不相接续。Number the footnotes consecutively within the same chapter and start over in new ones.

在有效期内可乘車日可以是連续或非連续使用。Travel days may be used consecutively or non-consecutively within the validity period.

所有箱子都像往常一样标示唛头,但务请从11号开始顺序编号。All boxes are to be marked as usual , but please number them consecutively from no. 11.

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在一个月内可乘車日可以是連续或非連续使用。Travel days may be used consecutively or non-consecutively within 1-month validity period.

我们的产品先后荣膺API认证、挪威船级社ISO9001质量体系认证等专业资质。Our products have consecutively won API certification and DNV ISO9001 quality-system certification.

如连续六次按入错误密码,卡会被自动柜员机没收。The card may be retained by the ATM if the PIN is incorrectly keyed in for SIX TIMES consecutively.

对于生物制品,应当要提交连续几个生产批次的样品。For biological products, samples from several consecutively manufactured batches should be submitted.

特别令人感兴趣的是进程的一个组成不同载荷顺序连续应用。Of particular interest are processes consisting of a sequence of different loadings applied consecutively.

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我国是世界上最大的蛋品生产国和消费国,连续20多年保持世界第一产蛋大国的地位。China is the largest egg producer and consumer in the world, and keeps the first for 20 years consecutively.

埃斯坦盖在2000年与2004年奥运会获得金牌,他的目的是在北京获得第三块金牌。Estanguet won gold in the 2000 and 2004 Olympic Games consecutively and aims to win his third one in Beijing.

同时,铂化并聚合被首次用来作电极表面修饰。At the same time, platinizing and polymerizing consecutively is first used for electrode surface modification.