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这里有两排方格But there's two rows of checkers.

当等待植物生长时,可以下下棋。Play checkers while the plants grow.

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没错,我也很喜欢下西洋棋。Yes, I'm very fond of checkers , too.

我爷爷喜欢下围棋。My grandfather likes to play checkers.

一个最好的查图形档案。One of the best checkers of graphic files.

我过去经常和我父亲玩跳棋。I used to play chinese checkers with my dad.

国际象棋或西洋跳棋中的黑色棋子。The black-colored pieces, as in chess or checkers.

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你喜欢做什么?放风筝?滑冰吗?玩跳棋?What do you like to do? Fly kites? Skate ? play checkers ?

“我们的小女孩,6岁的特里西娅,把它命名为”跳棋。"And our little girl Tricia, the six year old, named it "Checkers.

这好象是远远地无声地在下着一局棋。It was like a game of checkers played at a distance and in silence.

他可能在下象棋时做手脚,只要一整天盯着他的脸看便会获胜了。He may cheat in checkers , it beats staring at his face all day long.

拼写检查是非常出色的特性,但是很多都简陋的处处是瑕疵。Spell checkers are a great feature, but most are flawed in their simplicity.

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但令人惊讶的是,不久以后,五子棋比跳棋更受学生们的欢迎。Surprisingly, renju soon became more popular among the students than checkers.

一个礼拜可以有两天时间在家踏踏实实地爬格子。Can have two whole days every week to crawl on the checkers without disturbance.

一个礼拜可以有两天时间在家踏踏实实地爬格子。I can have two whole days every week to crawl on the checkers without disturbance.

小鸡检察官应该检查那捉小鸡的人捕的小鸡。The chicken checkers ought to check the chickens that the chicken catchers caught.

两个人在下跳棋,一个人在写信,大多数人在抽烟斗。Two are playing checkers. One is writing a letter. Most of them are smoking pipes.

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这让对自己棋术没自信的朋友也能享受下棋的乐趣。This makes the game interesting for the player regardless of his skills in checkers.

当我到达的时候,有很多人正在下五子棋,还有一些人在下跳棋。When I went there, many people were playing renju there, some were playing checkers.

本文主要介绍的是实现简单的网络跳棋游戏。This paper mainly introduces the realization of the simple network Chinese checkers game.