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就自身来说,也是程度差异的问题。Intersexuality is a matter of degree.

中间性的问题就是一个很好的例证。The issue of intersexuality is a good example.

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现今,这样的新生儿通常用中间性的术语予以归类。Today, such cases are usually summarized under the term intersexuality.

在最近的数十年里,中间性的研究已经取得了长足的进步。In recent decades, intersexuality research has made considerable advances.

描述与讨论与中间性有关的各种宗教传统。Describe and discuss various religious traditions with regard to intersexuality.

不过,环境因素现在正在增加研究者们对中间性的研究兴趣。However, they are now of increasing interest to researchers studying intersexuality.

这些生理问题从女性的阴蒂粘连、男子的包皮过长到中间性。They range from clitoraladhesions in females and phimosis in males to intersexuality.

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中间性的各种各样类型和程度差异有数种可能的原因。There are several possible causes for the various forms and degrees of intersexuality.

简而言之,中间性相对罕见,却仍然是一个足以值得普遍关注的问题。In short, intersexuality is relatively rare, but still common enough to deserve our attention.

讨论中间性的生理、心理、宗教、法律和社会政治方面所面临的问题。Discuss the physical, psychological, ethical, legal, and sociopolitical dimensions of intersexuality.

简而言之,中间性援助社团现在已经是热心于处理中间性的任何努力中的有机组成部分。In short, intersex support groups are now an integral part of any serious attempt of dealing with intersexuality.

所有这些观察资料再一次阐明,中间性确确实实是一个伴随着各种各样病因的发病程度不同的问题。All of these observations once more illustrate that intersexuality is indeed a matter of degree with a great variety of causes.

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种种因素干扰正常的性别发育,产生范围广泛的生殖畸形或雌雄间性。A variety of factors can distort normal sexual development thereby giving rise to various forms of abnormal genitalia or intersexuality.

中间性是指个体的性器官天生有显著的不寻常性发育或者有某些染色体异常所致的症状。Intersexuality is the condition of persons born with a significantly atypical development of their sex organs or with certain chromosomal irregularities.

现代的科学研究已经表明,中间性是一个致病的程度问题,涵盖着范围很广的身体发育畸形的性象谱系,其致病原因多种多样。Modern research has shown us that Intersexuality is matter of degree, covering a wide spectrum of atypical physical developments with a variety of possible causes.

互文性是一种新的语言学概念,它为我们在文本的建构和解读中开辟了一个全新的视野。Intersexuality is a new concept in linguistics, and it has opened up a new field of vision on the construction and analysis of texts. Parody is one of the types of intersexuality.