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我们看见旗女升上去。The flags was seen raising.

我们现在的情况是孩子养孩子。so we have kids raising kids.

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这样我们提升压强。So we're raising the pressure.

他是个养鸭的好把势。He is skilled at raising ducks.

好的,很好的举手表决方法。OK. Good hand raising technique.

升国旗,奏国歌,敬礼。Raising flag, music, and salute.

在纸牌游戏中提高赌金。Raising the ante in a poker game.

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升调让人很兴奋Raising up music builds excitement.

直腿抬高实验阳性。Straight-leg raising test positive.

你们有升旗典礼吗?Do you have a flag raising ceremony?

他的工作是在农场上喂猪。His job is raising pigs on the farm.

酵母是面包的发酵剂。Yeast is the raising agent in bread.

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一方水土养育一方人。Soil and water were raising one side.

我只是把它作为一种假设。I am merely raising it as a hypothesis.

汽车飞驰而过,卷起一阵尘土。A car sped past, raising a cloud of dust.

他选的曲子如今让人蹙眉。His song choice is raising some eyebrows.

仓库、堆高机走道。Paths of warehouses and raising machines.

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养育孩子是一项重大责任。Raising children is a big responsibility.

一些人还祭出了优生学的幽灵。Some are raising the specter of eugenics.

他猛烈抨击提高税收的主张。He pitched into the idea of raising taxes.