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趋光性较强,要经常转盆。Phototaxis is stronger, often should turn basin.

也就揭示了眼睛进化的第一个阶段。Understanding phototaxis thus unravels the first steps of eye evolution.

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蚊子的趋光性,专家发明了一种灭蚊器。Scientists invented a mosquito-repellent device using mosquito's phototaxis.

龙虱在水能游,出水能飞,并有很强的趋光性。Water beetles can swim in water, fly in the air, and have strong phototaxis.

雄成虫、2龄、3龄幼虫具有较强的负趋光性,而雌成虫对光照则不敏感。Male adult, 2nd-instar and 3rd-instar larvae all had strong negative phototaxis.

现在海洋无脊椎动物仍然利用这种方法寻找光源。Many contemporary marine invertebrates still employ the strategy for phototaxis.

成虫羽化后具有在蛹室内潜伏的特性,并具有向光亮、向上转移以及在蛹室内转动的习性。The adults have the habits hiding in pupa cell and shifting upwards aswell as phototaxis.

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结论钉螺对光强和光色具有不同的趋性反应。It's concluded that O. hupensis has different phototaxis with different light intensities and colors.

其配子具有明显的正趋光性,合子具有负趋光性。Gametes showed intensive positive phototaxis, after syngamy, motile zygotes showed negative phototaxis.

这对于动物的趋光性是非常重要的,很多浮游动物的幼体都表现出了这种趋光性。This ability is crucial for phototaxis – the swimming towards light exhibited by many zooplankton larvae.

喜欢生活在田野、水沟、小溪等水体中,它入水能游,出水能飞,并有很强的趋光性。In liking the water system such as life afield, ditch, brook, it can swim into water, give water to be able to fly, have very strong phototaxis.

通过实验室培养实验,全面地观察描述了浒苔生活史各个阶段的发育情况。Based on the laboratory culture, microscope observation and phototaxis test, developmental stages of the life cycle of Enteromorpha prolifera were studied.

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利用蚊虫向光特性和电扇旋转后的吸引力将蚊虫引进扇叶内杀灭。Also, the utility model utilizes the mosquito phototaxis and the attractive force of the fan after the fan rotates to bring the mosquitoes into the fan blade to kill.