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总体上,该器械可在下胫腓联合损伤的恢复期内提供稳定性。Overall, this fixation device was found to adequately stabilise the syndesmosis during healing.

下胫腓螺钉固定骨皮质的数目不影响下胫腓的宽度。Syndesmosis width was not affected by the number of cortices purchased by the syndesmosis screw.

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当踝关节背伸位、下胫腓螺钉以5Nm扭矩植入时,下胫腓宽度明显增加。Syndesmosis width significantly increased when the screw was inserted in dorsiflexion for 5 Nm of torque.

下胫腓联合对维持踝关节的稳定性、对重量的传导和行走都很重要。The distal tibiofibular syndesmosis is important for ankle mortise stability, weight transmission and walking.

通过对下胫腓联合的CT测量,观察下胫腓联合在CT扫描图象上的解剖特性,并探讨临床意义。To observe the anatomic characteristics of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis on CT axial scan image and elucidate clinical significance.

目的探讨踝关节损伤时胫腓下联合分离的机制及胫腓下联合固定的利弊。Objective To appraise the advantages and disadvantages in the treatment of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis diastasis with syndesmosis screw.

对于下胫腓螺钉断裂,松动的患者,取出螺钉未必改善功能,但对于下胫腓联合螺钉完整的患者应推荐取出螺钉。Screw removal is unlikely to benefit patients with loose or fractured screws but may be indicated in patients with intact syndesmosis screws.

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胫骨的腓骨切迹深度、切迹内腓骨的位置影响下胫腓联合的稳定性。The stability of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis was affected by the depth of fibula incisure of the tibia and the position of fibula in incisure.

整复固定的顺序是后踝、内踝、外踝和下胫腓联合。The reduction and internal fixation started with the posterior, then the medial and the lateral malleolus and distal tibiofibular syndesmosis in sequence.

可采用固定内踝及后踝骨折、修复内侧三角韧带及固定下胫腓联合的方法进行治疗。Surgical treatments include ORIF of the medial malleolus or repair of the medial deltoid ligament and percutaneous screw fixation of the disrupted distal tibiofibular syndesmosis.

骨折复位固定顺序为后踝、内踝、外踝和下胫腓联合。The sequence of reduction and fixation of ankle fractures was firstly posterior malleolus, then medial malleolus and lateral malleolus, and inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis lastly.