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我下了楼,吃了一个面包圈。I go down, have a bagel.

是啊,裸体贝果游戏?。Yeah. That naked bagel game?

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一个百吉卷有多少卡路里的热量?How many calories in a bagel?

您的贝果需要先烤过吗?。Do you want your bagel toasted?

为什么地板上会有贝果?。Why is that bagel on the floor?

但在贝蒂给面包圈涂上黄油之前。But ago Betty butters the bagel.

她在嘎蹦嘎嘣地啃着一个硬面包圈。She was chomping away on a bagel.

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但在贝蒂给面包圈涂上黄油之前But before Betty butters the bagel

贝蒂先要把面包圈好好煮煮,再好好烤烤。Betty is to better boil and bake the bagel.

面包店松饼,奶油干酪百吉饼Bakery muffin, large bagel with cream cheese

我的贝果可以多加一份奶油起司吗?Can I have extra cream cheese for the bagel?

吃发面圈或汉堡时始终用您的塑料刀。Always order your bagel or burger with a plastic knife.

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而百吉饼含有643卡路里,28克脂肪和20克蛋白质。The bagel delivers 643 calories, 28g fat and 20g protein.

百吉饼是一种环形的中间有孔的面包。A bagel is a round piece of bread with a hole in the middle.

当然,还有更极端的松饼,你们看And of course then there's the extreme bagel that you see here.

一如从前的无数个早晨,我让面包机做了一个百吉圈。Like countless other mornings, I ordered a bagel from the toaster.

设想经济是一家百吉饼面包店正挣扎着度过一个低潮期。Imagine the economy is a bagel bakery struggling through a slow week.

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从热量上来说,就像吃了两盒的贝果。Calorie-wise, it's like eating more than two whole boxes of Bagel Bites.

少低脂松饼,少奶油干酪百吉饼,低脂松软干酪Small, low fat muffin, bagel with light cream cheese or low fat cottage cheese

我在街角那家店买了一个百吉饼和一杯咖啡,那家店的老闆很逊。I bought a bagel and a coffee from the schmuck who owns the shop on the corner.