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而且若文斯就是那小子怎么办?Plus, what if it's Vince?

你看到文斯在附近吗?Have you seen Vince around?

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不过文斯已经说“不”了。But Vince already said "no".

听着,我现在要去找文斯。Look, I have to see Vince now.

文斯知道他得让我保持快乐。Vince knows he needs to keep me happy.

你不该故意对文斯那么凶巴巴的。You shouldn't act so tough with Vince.

然而,这些都只是啰嗦的文斯在混淆自己想要表达的信息。However, Verbose Vince only muddles his message.

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“我也是突然想到这点了。”文斯冷静地说。"That occurred to me, too, " Vince said soberly.

文斯很讨厌去他岳母家。Vince loathed going to his mother-in-law's house.

文斯到现在都还每天经过她的办公室,跟她道谢呢。Vince still stops by her office every day to thank her.

文斯卡特由于脚踝伤势缺席周五的训练。Vince Carter missed Friday’s practice with a sore ankle.

不幸的,托尼和文森没有从事故中活下来。Unfortunately, Tony and Vince did not survive the accident.

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文斯说他请不起人了。我们得要自己撑过去。Vince says he can't afford anybody else. We've got to come through.

乡村乐手文斯.基尔在后台说,汉考克获奖,他一点也不感到惊讶。Backstage, country musician Vince Gill said the win did not surprise him.

镇长崔佛利表示,「我们已经告诉他们可以著手进行。」"We've told them to get it lined up to do it, " Mayor Vince Trively said.

小声点。我们晚点再详谈。我现在得要去找文斯。Keep your voice down. We'll talk more later. Right now I need to see Vince.

那么好吧,文斯。指挥“伊卡洛斯”号去奥米克戎区找到上将。Okay then, Vince. Take the Icarus to the Omicron sector to find the Admiral.

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“你准备好了吗?鲍伊在等你。”文斯松开她时说道。"Are you ready? Bowie is waiting for you, " said Vince when he released her.

文斯·格兰特,你这辆老快车,我就知道你会尝试来营救的!Vince Grant, you old hotshot, I should have known you'd try a rescue mission!

像文斯·福斯特一样,从来没人质疑过他的荣誉和正直。Like Vince Foster, he had never had his honor and integrity questioned before.