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我是几个法人标准的发起者。I am an initiator of several corporative standards.

三堂小学的学生们是如此的友善很可爱。The staff of this school is so nice and corporative.

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理论上这些法人团体应该是独立自主的。Theoretically the corporative bodies should be autonomous.

沪江网作为指定合作媒体将对校园行活动进行适时报道。as the specified corporative media, will report this activity promptly.

您有自动异地同步备份和恢复网站的机制吗?Do you have the mechanisms of automatic corporative backup and restoring website?

法人股价值评估是资产评估在新的经济形势下的新领域。Corporative share valuation is a new area of valuation in current economic situation.

为制作一个企业发展案,他连续工作了三个月,极大地损害了自己的身体健康。To make a corporative plan , he worked non-stop for three months at considerable cost to his health.

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在各类文化活动中,富于传统文化内含的茶艺表演,引起了各地文化先进分子的关注和推崇。It is one of the elements to establish corporative culture and create a regional cultural atmosphere.

这就需要尽快建立一套适合中外合作办学机构自身发展的财务管理制度。So we must establish a fitful finacial management system for the Sino-Foreign Corporative Education section.

健全的企业财务控制体系,实际上是完善的法人治理结构的体现。A healthy financial control system actually reflects the perfect corporative management structure of the enterprise.

本文从建立模拟法人实体的作用入手,着重分析其运作机制。Starting with the effects of setting up mimic corporative entities, this article analyzes their operating mechanism.

HB报业集团是中国第一家企业法人制报业集团,其前身是一家事业单位。HB press group is the first corporative enterprise of Chinese Press, it is a government-sponsored institution previously.

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你能预言几乎一切与它,从单数和卡片直到国家,品牌和甚而法人座右铭。You can predict almost everything with it, from single number and cards till countries, brands, and even corporative mottos.

第九条市和区、县总工会以及产业、行业工会,具有社会团体法人资格。Article 9 The trade union federation of city, district, country and industry has the corporative qualifications of social group.

你需要尽早决定是想自主创业还是先做公司雇员,然后升任主管。You have to make an early decision whether you wish to be an entrepreneur or a corporative employee and eventually an executive.

财政部、国家税务总局关于农民专业合作社有关税收政策的通知。The notice about taxation policies for farmer's special corporative issued by Financial Ministry, State Administration of Taxation.

HA在卵巢腺癌血管生成中起关键作用,其受体CD44及VEGF起协同作用。HA may play a critical role in tumor angiogenesis while CD44 and VEGF may be dependently corporative action in ovarian adenocarcinoma.

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来自马里兰大学联合服务机构的苏森说,包菜只需60-90天的成长。Susan Trice from the University of Maryland Corporative Cooperative Extension Service , says cabbage takes about 60 to 90 days to grow.

产业集群的技术创新以合作创新为主要形式,是一种建立在创新集群基础上的集群式创新。Technical innovation of industrial clusters is mainly of corporative innovation, is of clustering innovation based on innovation clusters.

在群体层面上,将企业社会资本看作是企业“班底”的内部信任程度以及在他们在人际关系网络中的位置。On the group level, corporative social capital is treated as the internal trust within the personnel and its position in personal networks.