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印度在1975年吞并了锡金。India annexed the Sikkim in 1975.

锡金。不丹也有分布。Sikkim , Bhutan also has distributing.

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实际上,锡金又关印度什么事?In reality has India any business in Sikkim ?

中国在锡金已经开始了入侵。China has started incursions along the border with Sikkim.

锡金并入印度?更像是被印度侵略和吞并。Sikkim merged with India? Invaded and annexed by India is more like it.

迄今为止的82人死亡,68个是在印度,其中包括53锡金。Of the 82 deaths thus far, 68 are in India, which includes 53 in Sikkim.

这些接受中国援助资金的寺庙普遍位于阿鲁纳恰尔邦和锡金内。Among the monasteries receiving Chinese funding are those in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim.

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比如,索马里人、锡金的雷布查人和玻利维亚的西罗诺人,他们就完全不知道亲吻。Kissing is apparently unknown among the Somalians, the Lepcha of Sikkim and the Sirono of Bolivia.

这条新铁路线不仅靠近印度在锡金的边界,而且靠近中国与尼泊尔和不丹的边界。The new line near the Indian border in Sikkim is also close to China's border with Nepal and Bhutan.

印度已经拥有2364公里的国家公路,连接古吉拉特邦海岸的贾姆讷格尔和锡金的甘托克。India already has a 2364km National highway connecting Jamnagar in Gujarat Coast to Gangtok in Sikkim.

过去两天,BBC一位记者一直走访受灾最严重的锡金邦北部。BBC reporter has spent the last two days travelling in one of the worst affected regions, north Sikkim.

力挺邬金钦列多杰的积极分子派遣了425人的代表团从锡金出发向新德里进行抗议。Pro-Ogyen Trinley Dorje activists in Sikkim dispatched a 425-person delegation to New Delhi to protest.

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中新网9月19日电据外电报道,印度东北部锡金邦18日发生里氏6.8级强烈地震。BEIJING, Sept. 19, according to foreign reports, Sikkim in northeast India, 18, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake.

最好的印中铁路线是延伸青藏铁路通过乃堆拉通道到达锡金。The best rail link from China to India is to extend the Qinghai-Tibet railway to Sikkim via the Netula Pass.

出版商抽掉了一个有关印度1975年吞并锡金的章节,因为这样的内容会使感到不安。The publishers removed one part about India’s annexation of Sikkim in 1975 because they thought it might upset India.

西和西南同阿富汗、巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊尔、锡金、不丹接壤,南与缅甸、老挝、越南相连。Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal , Sikkim and bhutan in the west to southwest and Myanmar, Laos and Viet Nam in the south.

皇家不丹航空公司香港区代理,安排游客前往不丹及北印度地区、锡金、大吉岭,以及尼泊尔等地旅游。PSA for Drukair Royal Bhutan Airlines in Hong Kong. Organize tour to Bhutan, Northern India, Sikkim , Darjeeling and Nepal etc.

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据印度媒体报道,此次地震震中位于距离北部锡金邦首府甘托克68公里处。According to Indian media reports, the earthquake epicenter is located in the capital from the north of Sikkim at Gangtok 68 km.

鉴于印度空军机队的目前能力,这将给在拉达克,锡金或者阿鲁纳恰尔邦的印度军队树立一个主要的威胁。Given the current capabilities of the IAF fleet, this would pose a major threat to Indian forces in Ladakh, Sikkim or Arunachal Pradesh.

锡金政府公布的初步数字说,大约1000所房屋完全倒塌超过10万部分损坏。Preliminary figure released by the Sikkim government said around 1000 houses have totally collapsed with more than 100,000 partially damaged.