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在这个世界上,我最爱的水果就是枇杷了。In the world, my favorite fruit is loquat.

院子里的枇杷渐次熟了。The loquat in the yard has got ripe gradually.

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以枇杷叶花为主要原料,制作枇杷叶花饮品。Loquat leaf and flower were used to make a drink.

为什么不在树下摘枇杷而要到树上去摘呢?Why not Zhai loquat tree to tree Quzhai have to do?

我附在一株枇杷树上,努力地向上爬去。I have attached a loquat tree, and strive upward Paqu.

枇杷有很多营养,且可以做成药。Loquat has a lot of nutrition and can become medicine.

枇杷果核棕色素是一种天然色素。The brown pigment of loquat nut is natural and pigment.

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生产无核枇杷必须进行疏果。Fruit thinning is necessary in the producing of seedless loquat.

枇杷留在冬季树木绿化和产生杏类水果。Loquat trees stay green in the winter and produce an apricot-like fruit.

对枇杷果酒加工过程中的护色工艺进行了研究。The color-protecting techniques in Loquat fruit wine processing were studied.

枇杷是常绿乔木,叶大,长椭圆形,有锯齿,开白花。Loquat trees are evergreen, leaves large, long oval, with serrated , white flowers.

本文用聚类分析方法对枇杷果实的17个性状进行了相关聚类分析。Cluster analysis of Loquat fruit with 17 characteristics was presented in the paper.

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枇杷叶是一种传统中药植物资源,具有广泛的应用价值。Loquat leaf, a kind of plant resources for Chinese medicine, is applied in every aspect.

传统的双节棍是由坚韧的硬木,如橡木或枇杷制成的。The traditional nunchaku is made from a strong, flexible hardwood such as oak, or loquat.

传统的植物来自中国草药,包括了枇杷叶,贝母,橘梗。Traditional botanicals from Chinese herbalism include loquat leaf, fritillaria, and platycodon.

探讨从日本引入优良白肉枇杷品种“白茂木”在福建莆田的适应性。The adaptability of Japanese white pulp loquat Shiromogi were studied in Putian, Fujian Province.

该方法简单、快速、准确,可满足枇杷膏中齐墩果酸和熊果酸高灵敏度检测的需求。The method can be used for the detection of OA and UA in loquat leaf extract with high sensitivity.

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研究不同套袋处理对枇杷果实外观、采后特性和品质的影响。Effects of bagging on loquat fruit appearance, postharvest characteristics and quality were studied.

日前,始兴被中国地区开发促进会正式命名为“中国枇杷之乡”。Recently, the Chinese regional development Siheung Association officially named "Chinese loquat township."

始兴县地属中亚热带气候,自然条件优越,极适宜枇杷生长。Shixing County is in the sub-tropical climate, excellent natural conditions, very suitable for loquat growth.