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走吧,走吧,在迪克西向南走吧。Away, away, away down south in Dixie.

我问Dixie她的第一次性体验。I asked Dixie about her first sexual experience.

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俺不过是给这杯里加了料而已嘛Whatever. I just masturbated into this Dixie cup.

Dixie本身就是美国南部各州的别名。Dixie itself is a nickname for the American South.

狄克西本身是美国南部的别称。Dixie itself is a nickname for the American South.

建于1912左右的Dixie剧院拥有着一支剧团,在暑期轮演剧目。The circa-1912 Dixie Theatre hosts a summer repertory group.

驱动器必须是新的,或者以迪克斯的标准翻新的。Drives must be new or remanufactured to Dixie Specifications.

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对我来说,想迪克西从来没有回来,她应该已经逗留了死亡。I for one wish Dixie had never come back, she should have stayed dead.

回了家,Dixie把我放进铁肺,设置好我的电脑以便我可以写作。Back home, Dixie put me into the iron lung and set up my computer so that I could write.

迪克西和我又下到车站平面,并且发现在下边我能出去。Dixie and I went down to the station level and discovered that I could get out down there.

这周周末一定要看看,在狄西中心举行的、第十三次年度北部中心路易斯安那艺术委员会的假日艺术展。Be sure to check out 13th Annual NCLAC Holiday Arts Show at Dixie Center for the Arts this weekend.

迪克西百般折腾,抬起轮椅,试着要把我推出烟盒一样的电梯。Dixie tried lifting and pushing the wheelchair out of that cigar-box elevator in every possible way.

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1995年,埃米莉和玛蒂成功接纳梅因斯作为主唱歌手加入了"南方…In 1995, Emily and Martie successfully recruited Maines to become lead vocalist for the Dixie Chicks.

穿过家旁安静的街道,那些古老的小房子和沧桑的大树,Dixie把我推回了我的房间。Dixie pushed me back to my apartment, through the quiet neighborhood of small, old houses and big, old trees.

我大腿的肌肉被狠狠拉紧,不过迪克西现在能轻易地把我推出电梯了。It put a tremendous strain on my thigh muscles, but now Dixie was able to wheel me out of the elevator with ease.

美国和北约现在都被视为异端的占领军,而华盛顿如果有其他想法的话则不过是吓唬人而已。The US and Nato are seen as an infidel occupying force, and Washington is whistling Dixie if it thinks otherwise.

绿眼睛的迪克西杯,奇瓦瓦品种,获取其业主汽车进入酒店之前2月11日宾夕法尼亚检查。Green Eyed Dixie Cup, a Chihuahua breed, gets out of its owners car before checking into the Hotel Pennsylvania on Feb. 11.

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南方小鸡,一个网站的神秘,阴谋,冰毒成瘾者和匪帮松鼠爆满。探索地图解开每一个领域。The Dixie Chicks, a site full of mystery, intrigue, meth addicts and gangsta squirrels. Explore the map to unlock every area.

在他们被释放以后,维德先生和南方小鸡乐队的娜塔莉梅因斯为田纳西州孟菲斯的支持者举办了一个聚会。After their release, Mr Vedder and Natalie Maines, lead singer of the Dixie Chicks, threw a party for supporters in Memphis, Tennessee.

“迪克西使团”访问延安是由多方面原因促成的,国民政府和中共对“迪克西使团”来访的反应也存在明显差异。The Dixie Mission's visit to Yan'an was facilitated by many factors, and the Nationalist Government and the CPC responded apparently differently.