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我简直不理解她!I hardly comprehend her!

我无法理解这个片语。I cannot comprehend this phrase.

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智慧的价值无人能知。Man does not comprehend its worth.

至于其他的是安居者所无法理解的。As for other nestle to can't comprehend.

小偷的背后生活你了解吗?You comprehend the life of rear of pilferer ?

这种水平的“豁达”你又怎能理解?How can you comprehend that level of generosity?

知道人查不出日光之下所作的事。No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun.

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红种人永远无法理解,也无法记住你们的宗教。The Red Man could never comprehend or remember it.

红种人永远无法理解,也无法记住你们的宗教。The Red Man could never comprehend nor remember it.

其中就有对“严重损害就诊人身体健康”的非难。One of them is how to comprehend the "serious hurt".

最终,你会理解所有的荒谬之处。Eventually you’ll comprehend the absurdity of it all.

唉,我都不知道现在正在发生什么,心乱如麻。Oh, I don't even know how to comprehend what's going on.

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考虑到你能理解我的问题,你懂这个吗?Since you understood my question, do you comprehend this?

但对那些拒绝理解目前的人来说又如何呢?But what about those who refuse to comprehend the present?

那个时候我还太难以领会这一切,不过现在我知道了。It was hard for me to comprehend at the time, but now I do.

真难想象一辆阿尔法罗密欧车在日本生产。It's hard to comprehend an Alfa Romeo being built in Japan.

全世界正在下一盘很大的棋,没有人能够真正读懂它。This is a bigger chess game that none of us can comprehend.

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阿斯特里德的母亲英格丽特则更令人难以理解。Astrid's mother Ingrid is even more difficult to comprehend.

这个孩子读了这篇故事,但不能理解它的意思。The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning.

我知道真的是我不能理解这故事的可爱。I know really can't I comprehend the loveliness of the story.