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我对外国人能否被批准入境有裁决权。I can rule on the admissibility of aliens.

法院将对证据的可采性进行裁决。The court will decide on the admissibility of the evidence.

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给出了六种形式不同的可容许定义。Six definitions for admissibility from different form are given.

交易中心受理申请当日,出具收件收据。Trading Center admissibility of application on the venue box receipts.

物业服务要做到周一至周日受理业务接待。Property services to be operational from Monday to Sunday admissibility.

证据的可采性是英美证据法的核心问题。Admissibility of evidence is the core issue of evidence law in common law system.

因此,审查受理是整个法院审判活动的启动阀。Therefore, the review of the admissibility of the entire court trials start valve.

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我们在等待法官对被告方证据的可采性做出裁决.We are waiting for the judge to rule on the admissibility of the defense evidence.

该消协已受理多起手表类似投诉。The associations have been more than watch the admissibility of similar complaints.

矩阵损失下贝努利分布均值的线性估计可容许性。Admissibility of linear estimators of bernoulli distribution mean values under matrix loss.

今后年度的受理标准由市财政局于每年年初公布。Next year admissibility criteria city financial bureau announced in the beginning of each year.

2015年10月29日,仲裁庭作出管辖权和可受理性问题裁决。On October 29, 2015, the Arbitral Tribunal rendered an award on jurisdiction and admissibility.

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视听资料在司法实践中的采信规则该如何把握?。How to carry out rules of admissibility for audiovisual reference material in judicial practice?

三是它具有法律许容性,论证了其在法律上的正当性。Third, it has the legal admissibility nature, demonstrated its presence in the legal legitimacy.

本文讨论多元回归系数线性估计的可容许性。In this paper, we discuss the admissibility for linear estimates on multivariate regression coefficients.

在现有对电子证据的研究中,关注适格性者多,而探讨证明力者少。At the present time, researchers put much more attention to admissibility of evidence but not demonstrability.

仁固然要受生理因素滴制约,但最终还是要受理性滴控制。Jen of course constrained to drop by physiological factors, but eventually drops to the admissibility of control.

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本文讨论增长曲线模型回归系数的线性估计的容许性。In this paper, we consider the admissibility of linear estimates of regression coefficients in growth curve model.

然后到业务受理岗预约考试并领取准考证和速递凭证。And then to the admissibility of post operational test and receive the admission ticket booking and express certificates.

当前视听资料法律地位和可采性的理论研究,有五个问题具有争议。At present, there are five controversial issues with regard to the legal status and admissibility of audio-video material.