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加拉德坚持欧洲足联已经在阻止足球中的种族主义中的努力中已经很“冷酷”了。Gaillard insists Uefa has been "relentless" in its attempts to rid football of racism.

不过凯纳德指出,这些博客文章谈及对手咖啡味道时用的语言惊人一致。Gaillard notes all vote down the taste of rival pods, often using strikingly similar language.

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可是,木已成舟的事实已摆在眼前,盖拉德认为欧足联不会更改处罚决定。However, the facts clearly see what a done deal, Gaillard that UEFA will not change the penalty decision.

店长问他们为什么要那么多时,他们说他们是雀巢公司的,有权利买这些。When the manager asked why, they said they were from Nestlé and had the right to buy, ” Mr. Gaillard said.

“问题是球场的所有权,”欧足联的联络官威廉。加拉德说。"The problem is the ownership of the stadiums, " said Uefa's director of communications, William Gaillard.

“我理解里奥的伤心,因为种族主义是个丑恶的现象,并且我觉得我们需要把它踢出足球,”加拉德告诉天空体育。"I understand Rio's frustration because racism is a very ugly phenomenon and I feel we need to stamp it out, " Gaillard told Sky Sports.

欧足联对切尔西的听证会期间,以及弗里斯克和比赛监督的言论被批露之后,盖拉德先生出奇地一直保持沉默。Mr Gaillard has been noticeably silent over the course of UEFA's hearing on Chelsea and the revelations of Frisk's comments and the venue director's comments.

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欧足联的联络官威廉。加拉德承认比赛的安保措施将是欧足联调查的重点。The governing body's director of communications, William Gaillard admitted that the way in which matches in Italy are policed is a general source of concern for Uefa.

盖拉德表示,如果波兰政府方面不撤出临时监管人,那么波兰的2012年欧锦赛主办权将受到威胁。Gaillard said that if the Polish government does not withdraw from the provisional supervisor, then Poland's bid to host the 2012 European Championship will be at risk.

昨晚国际对米兰之战上演的闹剧,国际球迷向场内投掷烟火致使比赛提前中止,欧足联公关主任威廉-盖拉德就此事发表评论。Last night's Internazionale v Milan farce, the game being abandoned after Inter fans threw fireworks on the pitch, brings comments from UEFA director of communications William Gaillard.