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现在轮到他低估自己的对手了。It was now his turn to misjudge his opponent.

她才十岁,但决不能小瞧她。She is only ten, but you must not misjudge her.

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我们常常都会错误地判断人和情势。We all misjudge people and situations every so often.

表面现象使人对实质判断错误。Appearance is apt to lead one to misjudge the substance.

员工通常会对时间作出错误判断,而且还会把琐事列到清单上。Employees frequently misjudge timing and also tend to put minor jobs on the list.

因此,不要错误判断你的终点线。随时准备好去远方。So, don't misjudge where your finish line is. And always be ready to go the distance.

这对男人来说尤为重要,因为他们经常错误的判断情况。This is particularly important for men, who are more inclined to misjudge situations.

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生活中其他事情也是类似的。不要在赛跑中错误估计终点线。This analogy holds truth for many things in life. Don't misjudge the finish line in your race.

当人们感到自己对某些事物拥有控制权时,就会对风险作出错误的判断,尽管有时候连这样的控制也只是一种幻觉而已。We misjudge risk if we feel we have some control over it, even if it's an illusory sense of control.

总统的顾问专家为何会对新法可能产生的结果如此判断失误?Why did the president's experts so markedly misjudge the myriad potential consequences of the new law?

而忍受焦虑症的人会误判威胁,认为危险比实际更为迫近。People who suffer panic disorders may misjudge threats, seeing them as far more imminent than they really are.

然而将托宾先生视为一个爱尔兰同性恋作家是对他作为故事叙述者在情感范畴上的复杂性的错误判断。Yet to see Mr Tóibín as a gay Irish writer is to misjudge the complexities of his emotional range as a storyteller.

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他们对周边的人缺乏正确的判断,被那些他们认为很好的人伤害。They misjudge people around them and they get burnt when those people turn out to be not as good as they thought they were.

你为自己的诚意和才华感到自豪,常常因不喜欢或不能认同他人而对别人产生偏见。You pride yourself on your sincerity and genius, and sometimes misjudge others because you do not like them or approve of them.

当你犯错或者错怪你的兄弟时,要原谅自己,但是不要为自己的行为或想法再辩解。Forgive yourselves when you err and misjudge your brethren, but do not make allowances any more for justifying your behavior or thoughts.

新华社报道,戴秉国“敦促日方不要误判形势,作出明智的政治决断”。Mr. Dai 'pressed the Japanese side not to misjudge the situation, and to make a wise political decision, ' China's state-run Xinhua news agency said.

懂得怎样测量。在减肥中,对食物的食用标准很容易判断错误。取出量杯和量勺,特别是在你准备吃全脂沙拉酱,奶制品和蛋黄酱的时候。Learn how to measure. It's easy to misjudge portion sizes. Pull out the measuring spoons and cups, especially for full-fat salad dressings, dairy foods and mayo.

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不过,你还是需要在工作上表现你的能力,然而你很有可能错误的判断了这个活儿花费的时间,所以最好的是尽早著手开始做。You will still have to show your competence and perform your job, but you could misjudge how long it will take to complete a project, so it's best to start early.

西班牙和非裔美籍妇女相比白人妇女更容易误判自己的体重并把自己归类为体重正常人群。Overweight and obese Hispanic and African American women are significantly more likely than white women to misjudge their weight, categorizing themselves as normal.

对故障后的暂态分量进行小波变换,通过比较零序电流小波变换模极大值的大小和极性实现故障选线。This method overcomes the defects of traditional fault line selection means, which will misjudge the fault line when the steady zero sequence currents are very small.