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我每三年休假一次。I have a furlough every three years.

他拒绝停战He refused a furlough to stay and fight.

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不,没有得到Cinelli的另一天的休假。No, Cinelli hadn't been given another day-long furlough.

这可能意味着大量的政府工作人员要暂时下岗。This could mean a massive furlough of government workers.

当她在美国休假时,我与她简短地见过面。I met her only briefly when she was on furlough in the United States.

国家休假制度的改革使居民的闲暇时间越来越多。The reform in national furlough system make people have more and more leisure time.

若你用那几天的假期找一份更稳定的全职工作没准会更好。You might be better off using those furlough days to look for a more stable full-time gig.

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罗斯托夫仍旧和杰尼索夫住在一起,自从这二人休假以来,他们的友谊关系变得更加密切了。Rostov lived as before with Denisov, and the bond of friendship between them had become still closer since their furlough.

但有人担心“十一”长假的取消意味着百姓将失去休假的权利。But people start worrying that the abrogation of National Day Holiday shall predicate the losing of furlough for the common people.

埃里克1939年去加拿大探亲,但他也不愿安逸地享受生活,5个月后他们全家毅然返津。Eric had his second furlough in 1939, he went to Canada. But he didn't like coziness life, so his family returned to China after 5 months.

欢迎的星期五,在这里人们都穿着夏威夷衬衫和穆穆袍去工作,现在却将成为休假的星期五,他们呆在家里,穿着睡衣裤,在网上寻找着工作。Aloha Friday, where people go to work in aloha shirts and muumuus, is going to be Furlough Friday, where they stay home in pajamas and look for jobs on the Internet.

欢迎的星期五,在这里人们都穿着夏威夷衬衫和穆穆袍去工作,现在却将成为休假的星期五,他们呆在家里,穿着睡衣裤,在网上寻找着工作。Aloha Friday, where people go to work in aloha shirts and muumuus , is going to be Furlough Friday, where they stay home in pajamas and look for jobs on the Internet.

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如果你被迫休假的话,你应该利用这些时间来为你的下个工作做准备。Now, I'm as fond of snoozing and clean closets as the next person, but people, come on. If you're forced to take furlough days, you should be using them to ready yourself for your next job.